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Sayenko Kharenko updates anti-corruption program

05/ 07/ 2018
  Please see the full text of the anti-corruption program. As part of ongoing efforts to demonstrate zero tolerance towards any manifestation of corruption, Sayenko Kharenko Attorneys’ Office has approved an updated anti-corruption program and appointed a Commissioner responsible for program implementation and corruption prevention. Sayenko Kharenko has developed and is constantly improving its anti-corruption program in line with Ukrainian law and taking into account the most important provisions, recommendations, and regulations of foreign jurisdictions governing the prevention of corruption and bribery. Following his appointment as Anti-Corruption Commissioner, Partner Sergiy Smirnov commented: “Sayenko Kharenko has always both officially declared our zero tolerance towards corruption and also demonstrated this commitment by implementing practical steps aimed at prevention. The on-going development of our anti-corruption program and recent appointment of a dedicated Commissioner reflect this commitment, which is crucial for us together with our local and international clients.”

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