7 Skills of an Efficient GR Specialist
- Status:We are working on the next season
About the Programme
A good GR specialist is a combination of different profiles being able to perform multiple roles and tasks in order to build bridges between business interests and the government, to be a conduit for applicable information and to serve as advocates for the business that they work for. Government relations specialists need to have a range of skills so that they can clearly relay information in a compelling way, research specific policy issues, meet deadlines and come up with ways to address the needs of their company as well as government concerns that may be prompting new regulations. But what are these skills and how to gain and train them?
EBA Management Development Centre jointly with partners launches a a brand new project “7 Skills of an Efficient GR Specialist”. It is a unique project which covers the main skills necessary for a good GR professional.
The goal of the project is to equip you with the set of skills professional GR specialists should have. It consists of 7 sessions covered by 7 different speakers, providing exact examples from their experience and interactive discussions afterwards with the moderation of Svitlana Mykhailovska, Deputy Director, Lobbing, European Business Association. The presentation takes up to 30 min including real showcases and elaboration of the skill from 4 different GR perspectives: diagnostician, analyst, strategist and tactician and the idea worth spearing at the end.
During the Sessions you will:
- Find out what are the most important skills for a GR specialist;
- Get to know why GR specialists need these skills;
- Learn the peculiarity of each skill and the path to gain it;
- Hear practical examples and cases from the best Ukrainian professional from business and government officials;
- Be able to ask the questions you are interested in and get the relevant answer.
Target Audience:
- GR specialists,
- Managers of companies and organizations that seek to establish direct contacts with government officials and be successful in advocacy for business interests.
- Specialists in external communications. Specialists in corporate communications.
- Lawyers (in-house, consultants) who seek to change the regulatory environment to easen the process of business running in Ukraine
- Political scientists who are interested in moving Ukraine towards deregulation and European integration within the framework of improvement of business climate in the country
- Public Relations Specialists.
Session 1. Good Communication Skills – June 05, Olesya Olenytska
- How to build efficient relations with key stakeholders via regular communication;
- “Know your stakeholder” plan elaboration and implementation on practice;
- How to run successful media campaign to effectively address your GR issues and get measurable results (examples);
- How to train efficient communication in GR.
Session 2. Political Savvy – June 07, Denys Bohush
- Political lobbying in Ukraine, USA and Europe;
- An approximate plan for a GR specialist in working with conventional groups in politics and in government.
Session 3. Knowledge of the “Players” – June 12, Yaroslav Zheleznyak
- The key players involved in the decision making process to understand the politics around a bill’s possibility of passage;
- The information needed in the legislative effort, identifying which lawmakers are likely to be allies of a decision and which are opponents.
Session 4. People Skills (Courtesy) – June 14, Daryna Marchak
- Why a pleasant and courteous manner is important;
- Courtesy and politeness/diplomacy in the situations when a GR specialist /lobbyist has an opposing view and a different set of priorities to legislators whose support he will need in future.
Session 5. Subject Matter Expertise – June 19, Igor Smilyanskyi
- Know your client or know your leader;
- The peculiarities of GR in Ukraine, understanding the purpose is paramount;
- How to achieve the result when it is impossible to play by the conventional rules;
- How to combine PR and GR so that they don’t impact each other;
- Methods of communication: presentations, letters, emails – something that clearly does not work.
Session 6. Knowledge of Legislation Processes, Procedures, Rules and Calendars – June 21, Oleksandr Mamunya
- Legislation Processes,
- Legislation Procedure,
- Rules and Calendars.
Session 7. Good Judgement – June 26, Maryna Buchma
- The elusive quality that allows GR/lobbyists to mold most, or all of these elements into a successful strategy;
- Good lobbying judgment as a function of aptitude, creative problem-solving, strong communications skills.
Moderator: Svitlana Mykhailovska
- Olesya Olenytska – Director Government Relations and Public Affairs, METRO Cash & Carry Ukraine; responsible for anti-crisis, internal & external corporate communications strategy development and management, corporate social responsibility and sustainability projects, sponsoring, global corporate events, media relations, stakeholders’ engagement, lobbying. Company emergency committee member, extended Management Board member.
- Denys Bohush – President of the PR Agency Bohush Communications; Ukrainian political technologist, expert in the sphere of strategic communications and anti-crisis campaigns, Vice President of Ukrainian PR League.
- Yaroslav Zheleznyak – Advisor to the Prime Minister of Ukraine and a member of the group of strategic advisers of the Сabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on issues of interaction with the Parliament; has unique experience in providing GR-services for the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. The sphere of his competence is the advocacy of the main legislative initiatives of the Government, interaction with parliamentary factions, preparation of legislative priorities for the formation of the agenda. He previously headed the direction of interaction with the authorities in a large international company (SUN InBev Ukraine), as well as in GR – consulting (Kesarev Consulting). Co-founder of PolitEyes social project aimed at introducing innovative approaches in advocacy.
- Daryna Marchak – Advisor to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the reform of public administration; engaged in public administration reform (directions: introduction of policy analysis, training of “new civil servants” – employees of directorates in the pilot ministries; Has 10 years of experience in business journalism, 3 years – in strategic communications, and over a year – in the development and implementation of reforms. Worked as an editor of the “macroeconomics” website of Forbes Ukraine (forbes.ua), a freelance correspondent of the international news agency Bloomberg News; headed the communications of the Ministry of Finance (when Natalia Yaresko was the Minister). Since February 2018, also a World Bank Consultant on Communications.
- Igor Smilyanskyi – General Director, Ukrposhta; has more than 17 years of professional experience in strategic, managerial and financial consulting; worked in New York (USA) at the American office of the international audit firm KPMG. Recognized as the most marketing-oriented CEO of Ukraine according to the X-Ray Marketing Awards – 2017.
- Oleksandr Mamunya – Partner, Head of Intellectual Property Practice and Dispute Resolution, AEQUO; lawyer and patent attorney practicing in such areas as intellectual property (patents, trademarks, commercial names, copyright and related rights, domain names) and dispute resolution; cooperates fruitfully with the State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine working on improving the mechanisms for protecting intellectual property rights in Ukraine; member of numerous legal associations; he is acknowledged and awarded by Best Lawyers, Chambers Europe, The Legal 500, Ukrainian Law Firms. А Handbook for Foreign Clients, WIPR Leaders, World Trademark Review 1000 and others.
- Maryna Buchma – GA Director, Teva Ukraine pharmaceutical company; has broad experience in corporate affairs, public relations, social responsibility and strategic communications in pharmaceutical and non-profit sectors. Prior to joining Teva in 2016, Maryna worked at GSK and at EBA.
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