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Western EBA PR Hub. Discussion on business and media interaction.

05/ 12/ 2018
  On December 5, media, representatives from the public sector, business and the state authorities have met at Territory Co-working (our hospitality partner), as part of the Western EBA PR Hub, to discuss main aspects of effective interaction. We invited guests who are diverse in their approaches and activities in order to have the opportunity to look at the situation from different points of view and leave the right of each participant to form their own opinion.  Together with the guests - Serhii Smirnov, Anna Zhurba from the Tvoe misto Media Hub, Arsen Danyliuk from the Lux TV and Radio Company, Oleh Radyk from the Forpost public site, moderator of the meeting Viktor Halchynsky (Kredobank), found answers to several questions of the participants:  - Is it true that any media and business relationship is an advertisement? Is it possible to get media coverage for free (with an interesting news)?  Many participants of the meeting agreed that advertising is not the only possible option for media and business cooperation. In fact, the mass media could publish information on a free or affiliate basis if it relates to an interesting topic and will correspond to the interests of their target audience.  - Business jeans. Special source of income or the way of survival?  Business jeans by definition of the participants of the event is a published paid information without a note, for example, advertising, “partnership publication”. It is present on the market, because for someone the mass media is a business or a sphere of personal earnings. However, fortunately, most journalists do not recognize this behavior as acceptable and condemn such an approach of working with the audience.  - Media blackmailing. How to deal with this?  If the business is confident in its own rights, defending own strong position at legal field is the best way to fight the blackmailing. Do not neglect your right to comment in a conflict situation - sometimes with the help of your comment the situation can be directed to the other way.  - How to deal with manipulations in a time of military conflict?  analyze information coming from outside, and not just blindly absorb it verify the truth of the information on several sources; selectreliableinformation platforms;  think well beforedistributing this or that news around Each of us is personally responsible for the ecology of informational space.  As a conclusion of the meeting, the media recommended the business:  Information submitted by the businessfor publication should be useful to the audience of the media to which you are applying. Segment your audience andprepare text for each segment.  Define the purpose of the publication. Be visible to the media! Distribute information about your activities on your own websites, social networks, talk about it. Perceive media as a business partnerand let the main goal of your cooperation will be to find common value added, not to make the media your own sales department.  In order to position your business on the market and know the consumer it is good to build a long-term relationship with the media.  Tips from business to media:  Follow the balance of ideas, which means to give each party indicated in the publication / subject to express own opinion.  Submit the full picturebecause sometimes extracting phrases from the context deforms the essence of the news.  While covering any topic forthe mass marketit would be worthwhile to describe it in plain language and sometimes to go deeper into it, involving business representatives /experts.  Delivernews that is more positive!  So, information is a genuine product for which both the producer and consumer is each of us. The better the informational market is, the more transparent and understandable are the rules, the more comfortable is our environment in general. 

On December 5, media, representatives from the public sector, business and the state authorities have met at Territory Co-working (our hospitality partner), as part of the Western EBA PR Hub, to discuss main aspects of effective interaction. We invited guests who are diverse in their approaches and activities in order to have the opportunity to look at the situation from different points of view and leave the right of each participant to form their own opinion. 

Together with the guests – Serhii Smirnov, Anna Zhurba from the Tvoe misto Media Hub, Arsen Danyliuk from the Lux TV and Radio Company, Oleh Radyk from the Forpost public site, moderator of the meeting Viktor Halchynsky (Kredobank), found answers to several questions of the participants: 

– Is it true that any media and business relationship is an advertisement? Is it possible to get media coverage for free (with an interesting news)? 

Many participants of the meeting agreed that advertising is not the only possible option for media and business cooperation. In fact, the mass media could publish information on a free or affiliate basis if it relates to an interesting topic and will correspond to the interests of their target audience. 

– Business jeans. Special source of income or the way of survival? 

“Business jeans” by definition of the participants of the event is a published paid information without a note, for example, “advertising”, “partnership publication”. It is present on the market, because for someone the mass media is a business or a sphere of personal earnings. However, fortunately, most journalists do not recognize this behavior as acceptable and condemn such an approach of working with the audience. 

– Media blackmailing. How to deal with this? 

If the business is confident in its own rights, defending own strong position at legal field is the best way to fight the blackmailing. Do not neglect your right to comment in a conflict situation – sometimes with the help of your comment the situation can be directed to the other way. 

– How to deal with manipulations in a time of military conflict? 

  • analyze information coming from outside, and not just blindly absorb it
  • verify the truth of the information on several sources;
  • selectreliableinformation platforms; 
  • think well beforedistributing this or that news around

Each of us is personally responsible for the ecology of informational space. 

As a conclusion of the meeting, the media recommended the business: 

  1. Information submitted by the businessfor publication should be useful to the audience of the media to which you are applying. Segment your audience andprepare text for each segment. 
  2. Define the purpose of the publication.
  3. Be visible to the media! Distribute information about your activities on your own websites, social networks, talk about it.
  4. Perceive media as a business partnerand let the main goal of your cooperation will be to find common value added, not to make the media your own sales department. 

In order to position your business on the market and know the consumer it is good to build a long-term relationship with the media. 

Tips from business to media: 

  1. Follow the “balance of ideas”, which means to give each party indicated in the publication / subject to express own opinion. 
  2. Submit the full picturebecause sometimes extracting phrases from the context deforms the essence of the news. 
  3. While covering any topic forthe mass marketit would be worthwhile to describe it in plain language and sometimes to go deeper into it, involving business representatives /experts. 
  4. Delivernews that is more positive! 

So, information is a genuine product for which both the producer and consumer is each of us. The better the informational market is, the more transparent and understandable are the rules, the more comfortable is our environment in general. 

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