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New requirements for fiscal receipts: businesses need more time to update systems

03/ 02/ 2025
  Businesses have appealed to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, requesting an additional 6 months to extend the transition period for the proper implementation of the new requirements for the form and content of fiscal receipts. The updated requirements for accounting documents, introduced by the Ministry of Finance Order No. 601 of November 22, 2024, include: The inclusion of additional details in fiscal receipts to enhance the transparency of transaction operations; The implementation of updated technical standards for software used in cash registers (RROs) and software cash register systems (PRROs). Business supports initiatives that help increase transaction transparency and advocates for constructive dialogue between the government and businesses for the effective implementation of changes. Therefore, member companies of the European Business Association welcome the Ministry of Finances decision to extend the transition period for the implementation of new requirements for the form and content of fiscal receipts until March 1, 2025. At the same time, as they began the process of adapting to the new requirements, entrepreneurs encountered a number of technical and operational issues that require additional time to resolve. Retailers are facing the need to: Reprogram cash equipment across all retail locations; Update software to comply with new standards; Inform employees and software producers, including foreign partners; Conduct testing and fix errors. In light of these challenges, the European Business Association calls on the Ministry of Finance to extend the transition period by another 6 months. This will allow companies to properly update their systems and software, and avoid the risk of fines for non-compliance within the set deadlines.

Businesses have appealed to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, requesting an additional 6 months to extend the transition period for the proper implementation of the new requirements for the form and content of fiscal receipts.

The updated requirements for accounting documents, introduced by the Ministry of Finance Order No. 601 of November 22, 2024, include:

  • The inclusion of additional details in fiscal receipts to enhance the transparency of transaction operations;
  • The implementation of updated technical standards for software used in cash registers (RROs) and software cash register systems (PRROs).

Business supports initiatives that help increase transaction transparency and advocates for constructive dialogue between the government and businesses for the effective implementation of changes. Therefore, member companies of the European Business Association welcome the Ministry of Finance’s decision to extend the transition period for the implementation of new requirements for the form and content of fiscal receipts until March 1, 2025.

At the same time, as they began the process of adapting to the new requirements, entrepreneurs encountered a number of technical and operational issues that require additional time to resolve. Retailers are facing the need to:

  • Reprogram cash equipment across all retail locations;
  • Update software to comply with new standards;
  • Inform employees and software producers, including foreign partners;
  • Conduct testing and fix errors.

In light of these challenges, the European Business Association calls on the Ministry of Finance to extend the transition period by another 6 months. This will allow companies to properly update their systems and software, and avoid the risk of fines for non-compliance within the set deadlines.

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