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Business calls for negotiations to discuss draft law №5600

30/ 06/ 2021
  It became known that on July 1, the odious draft law, №5600, which in no way has the support from the business, will be submitted to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for consideration in the first reading. The business community, united by the European Business Association, the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine, and the Union of Ukrainian Entrepreneurs, is appalled and outraged by this news, as it means that the relevant authorities do not listen to business at all and reject to consider any comments or proposals. Representatives of business associations have repeatedly addressed numerous letters and statements to MPs and public authorities with a request not to support draft law №5600, as well as to hold thorough discussions of this issue with businesses. Besides, the initiators of the draft law were invited to a meeting to discuss the draft law and together decide on a compromise in the situation. Unfortunately, no respective meeting took place between the initiators of the draft law and the business. On June 24, the VRU Committee on Finance, Tax, and Customs Policy had a meeting where the worst of available draft laws, namely №5600, was recommended as a basis. According to business, the measures, proposed by the Government in the current situation, can only deepen the crisis in Ukraines economy and, as a result, reduce tax revenues to the budget. According to preliminary calculations of the Mineconomy, the level of the shadow economy in 2020 amounted to 30% of official GDP, which is by 3 percentage points higher than in 2019. If the Government and the Verkhovna Rada continue to increase the tax burden on business, and thus extending considerable powers of various controlling bodies, then, unfortunately, the shadow sector will only grow further. The business community calls for economic development achieved by attracting investment, creating new jobs, and increasing state budget revenues by blocking illegal schemes. Instead, draft law №5600 is an attempt to deviate from the path of civilized economic development as it increases the burden on transparent business and creates conditions for the misuse of powers by controlling bodies. The adoption of draft law 5600 is unacceptable. Therefore, business appeals to the peoples deputies not to vote for this draft law. Also, the business community draws attention to the fact that this situation violates the principles of fairness, equality, and long-term planning, and this is impermissible if we aim at building a progressive country.   Be the first to learn about the latest EBA news with our Telegram-channel – EBAUkraine.

It became known that on July 1, the odious draft law, №5600, which in no way has the support from the business, will be submitted to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for consideration in the first reading.

The business community, united by the European Business Association, the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine, and the Union of Ukrainian Entrepreneurs, is appalled and outraged by this news, as it means that the relevant authorities do not listen to business at all and reject to consider any comments or proposals.

Representatives of business associations have repeatedly addressed numerous letters and statements to MPs and public authorities with a request not to support draft law №5600, as well as to hold thorough discussions of this issue with businesses. Besides, the initiators of the draft law were invited to a meeting to discuss the draft law and together decide on a compromise in the situation. Unfortunately, no respective meeting took place between the initiators of the draft law and the business.

On June 24, the VRU Committee on Finance, Tax, and Customs Policy had a meeting where the worst of available draft laws, namely №5600, was recommended as a basis.

According to business, the measures, proposed by the Government in the current situation, can only deepen the crisis in Ukraine’s economy and, as a result, reduce tax revenues to the budget.

According to preliminary calculations of the Mineconomy, the level of the shadow economy in 2020 amounted to 30% of official GDP, which is by 3 percentage points higher than in 2019. If the Government and the Verkhovna Rada continue to increase the tax burden on business, and thus extending considerable powers of various controlling bodies, then, unfortunately, the shadow sector will only grow further.

The business community calls for economic development achieved by attracting investment, creating new jobs, and increasing state budget revenues by blocking illegal schemes.

Instead, draft law №5600 is an attempt to deviate from the path of civilized economic development as it increases the burden on transparent business and creates conditions for the misuse of powers by controlling bodies.

The adoption of draft law 5600 is unacceptable. Therefore, business appeals to the people’s deputies not to vote for this draft law.

Also, the business community draws attention to the fact that this situation violates the principles of fairness, equality, and long-term planning, and this is impermissible if we aim at building a progressive country.


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