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Business discussed with the Medical Procurement of Ukraine the sale of medical goods through Prozorro Market

19/ 04/ 2024
  The European Business Association held a meeting with the General Director of the State Enterprise Medical Procurement of Ukraine Edem Adamanov to discuss the work of the medical part of the Prozorro Market electronic catalog and receive answers to the most common business questions regarding the sale of medicines and medical devices in the catalog. The EBA is grateful to the management and experts of the MPU for close cooperation, in particular in the context of the Healthcare Committees initiatives, and the agreement to create a working group to develop non-price criteria in procurement. Thus, during the meeting, Mr. Adamanov spoke about updates in the work of Prozorro Market as part of the public procurement system in Ukraine. In particular, the catalog is structured by categories, with clearly defined specifications (profiles) and qualified suppliers. Suppliers can add products to the catalog independently using two tools: crowdsourcing and the MedData system. The catalog is accessed and procurement is carried out through the Prozorro electronic platform. Some of the key advantages of using the catalog for business are a simple way to sell goods, qualification every three years, fast execution and closing of transactions, and remote order fulfillment. At the same time, there is no fee for using this tool, only a commission is paid if you win the procurement. In the first quarter of 2024, more than 2,000 customers used the electronic catalog, 626 new suppliers qualified for Prozorro Market, procurement for UAH 6.1 billion was conducted and 12.2 thousand deals were concluded. The share of Prozorro Market in the e-procurement system amounted to 37.7%, and the average cost savings for orders placed on Prozorro Market was 16%. Medicines, medical devices and food were the most popular categories of goods on Prozorro Market. Prozorro Markets development plans include transferring procurement to an electronic catalog, which is one of the points of the State Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025, introducing electronic contracting, applying non-price criteria for evaluating suppliers bids, unifying units of measurement, and expanding qualification requirements for medical device suppliers. More details are in the PRESENTATION. The EBA thanks the leadership of the State Enterprise Medical Procurement of Ukraineand representatives of the platforms for explaining and answering numerous business questions!

The European Business Association held a meeting with the General Director of the State Enterprise “Medical Procurement of Ukraine” Edem Adamanov to discuss the work of the medical part of the Prozorro Market electronic catalog and receive answers to the most common business questions regarding the sale of medicines and medical devices in the catalog.

The EBA is grateful to the management and experts of the MPU for close cooperation, in particular in the context of the Healthcare Committee’s initiatives, and the agreement to create a working group to develop non-price criteria in procurement.

Thus, during the meeting, Mr. Adamanov spoke about updates in the work of Prozorro Market as part of the public procurement system in Ukraine. In particular, the catalog is structured by categories, with clearly defined specifications (profiles) and qualified suppliers.

Suppliers can add products to the catalog independently using two tools: crowdsourcing and the MedData system. The catalog is accessed and procurement is carried out through the Prozorro electronic platform.

Some of the key advantages of using the catalog for business are a simple way to sell goods, qualification every three years, fast execution and closing of transactions, and remote order fulfillment. At the same time, there is no fee for using this tool, only a commission is paid if you win the procurement.

In the first quarter of 2024, more than 2,000 customers used the electronic catalog, 626 new suppliers qualified for Prozorro Market, procurement for UAH 6.1 billion was conducted and 12.2 thousand deals were concluded.

The share of Prozorro Market in the e-procurement system amounted to 37.7%, and the average cost savings for orders placed on Prozorro Market was 16%. Medicines, medical devices and food were the most popular categories of goods on Prozorro Market.

Prozorro Market’s development plans include transferring procurement to an electronic catalog, which is one of the points of the State Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025, introducing electronic contracting, applying non-price criteria for evaluating suppliers’ bids, unifying units of measurement, and expanding qualification requirements for medical device suppliers.

More details are in the PRESENTATION.

The EBA thanks the leadership of the State Enterprise “Medical Procurement of Ukraine”and representatives of the platforms for explaining and answering numerous business questions!

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