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The European Business Association discussed the implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On Lobbying” with the NACP team

05/ 06/ 2024
  On June 4, the European Business Association met with Viktor Pavlushchyk, Head of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NACP), and his team. Association members had the opportunity to discuss the creation of the NACP Transparency Register and other issues related to the implementation of the Law of Ukraine On Lobbying. Currently, the creation of the register is in its initial stages, with the development of technical specifications and the conclusion of a contract with the developer underway. The launch of the register is planned before January 1, 2025, that is, before the entry into force of the Law of Ukraine On Lobbying. Official clarifications will be available after the launch of the register, and a testing phase is planned before its final launch. We are grateful to the NACP for their constructive approach and assistance in creating a transparent lobbying market. For their part, the EBAs representatives emphasized important points that require additional regulation. In particular,they stressed the importance of narrowing the definition of commercial interest and regulating the status of committee chairs in business associations who are company representatives and are not in employment relationships with associations but can publicly represent the position of business as a whole, not just their own company. We thank Viktor Pavlushchyk and his colleagues for their openness and willingness to cooperate. The Associations experts are ready to participate in testing the registers operation and would be grateful to the NACP for such an opportunity! A recording of the meeting can be viewed at the following link: https://youtu.be/WrQPYCSoDuk?si=oFDicQ9oqCrJ_FT0 The event was organized with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation and the European Union within the framework of the joint initiative “European Renaissance of Ukraine.” The material represents the authors’ position and does not necessarily reflect the position of the International Renaissance Foundation and the European Union.

On June 4, the European Business Association met with Viktor Pavlushchyk, Head of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NACP), and his team. Association members had the opportunity to discuss the creation of the NACP Transparency Register and other issues related to the implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On Lobbying.”

Currently, the creation of the register is in its initial stages, with the development of technical specifications and the conclusion of a contract with the developer underway. The launch of the register is planned before January 1, 2025, that is, before the entry into force of the Law of Ukraine “On Lobbying.” Official clarifications will be available after the launch of the register, and a testing phase is planned before its final launch.

We are grateful to the NACP for their constructive approach and assistance in creating a transparent lobbying market. For their part, the EBA’s representatives emphasized important points that require additional regulation. In particular,they stressed the importance of narrowing the definition of commercial interest and regulating the status of committee chairs in business associations who are company representatives and are not in employment relationships with associations but can publicly represent the position of business as a whole, not just their own company.

We thank Viktor Pavlushchyk and his colleagues for their openness and willingness to cooperate. The Association’s experts are ready to participate in testing the register’s operation and would be grateful to the NACP for such an opportunity!

A recording of the meeting can be viewed at the following link: https://youtu.be/WrQPYCSoDuk?si=oFDicQ9oqCrJ_FT0

The event was organized with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation and the European Union within the framework of the joint initiative “European Renaissance of Ukraine.” The material represents the authors’ position and does not necessarily reflect the position of the International Renaissance Foundation and the European Union.

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