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Dairy, Grain and Oilseeds

28/ 04/ 2017
  Representatives of the EBA Grain and Oilseeds Committee and Dairy Committee participated in the meeting of Export Promotion under the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. We discussed economic cooperation with China and use of international transport corridors including Silk Road. Also, participants paid attention to the ways of deepening trade and economic cooperation with China through the joint efforts of the Office of Export Promotion, the State Food Security Service and business representatives.

Representatives of the EBA Grain and Oilseeds Committee and Dairy Committee participated in the meeting of Export Promotion under the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade.

We discussed economic cooperation with China and use of international transport corridors including “Silk Road”. Also, participants paid attention to the ways of deepening trade and economic cooperation with China through the joint efforts of the Office of Export Promotion, the State Food Security Service and business representatives.

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