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Lviv Manufacturing

07/ 09/ 2021
  During the Manufacturing Committee Meeting Liudmyla Batenko, certified quality manager of the German and European Quality Associations with 35 years of experience in business education, pointed out possible ways to improve internal operational efficiency proposed by Lean and the German company REFA! Within the framework of lean production there is a dozen of methods that, in combination with the project management program, allow to achieve high workflow efficiency and minimize all possible loss, which is a very important issue during the COVID-19 crisis, that caused reduction of investments, GDP decline and rising of the inflation. In order to achieve lean production, all processes in the Lean system must create integrity for the consumer. Finding the right values ​​is possible only by identifying the value creation flow, simplifying the flow, eliminating of the downtime, removal of loss, continuous process improvement, and so on. The effectiveness of the Lean system can be assessed through the use of the whole variety of tools such as: value creation of the flow mapping, extraction flow production, Kanban, Kaizen, 5S systems, Single Minute Exchange of Dies, Total Productive Maintenance, Just in Time and visualization. In particular, Liudmyla Batenko demonstrated the main tools for ensuring the efficiency of the production proposed by the German organization REFA. According to the results of the meeting, there are 2 main innovations - detailing of process and the multi-moment observation method. It is worth taking into consideration that although Lean and REFA are a comprehensive approach to different tools, but the two concepts have a common goal, which is not only to introduce new techniques, but to bring production to a whole new level. We would like to extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation Liudmyla Batenko for an extremely interesting and accessible presentation of the material! We were glad to see everyone who was able to join both offline and online. Follow the news and stay tuned! If you would like to get a record of the meeting, contact us by e-mail [email protected]

During the Manufacturing Committee Meeting Liudmyla Batenko, certified quality manager of the German and European Quality Associations with 35 years of experience in business education, pointed out possible ways to improve internal operational efficiency proposed by Lean and the German company REFA!

Within the framework of lean production there is a dozen of methods that, in combination with the project management program, allow to achieve high workflow efficiency and minimize all possible loss, which is a very important issue during the COVID-19 crisis, that caused reduction of investments, GDP decline and rising of the inflation.

In order to achieve “lean production”, all processes in the Lean system must create integrity for the consumer. Finding the right values ​​is possible only by identifying the value creation flow, simplifying the flow, eliminating of the downtime, removal of loss, continuous process improvement, and so on. The effectiveness of the Lean system can be assessed through the use of the whole variety of tools such as: value creation of the flow mapping, extraction flow production, Kanban, Kaizen, 5S systems, Single Minute Exchange of Dies, Total Productive Maintenance, Just in Time and visualization.

In particular, Liudmyla Batenko demonstrated the main tools for ensuring the efficiency of the production proposed by the German organization REFA. According to the results of the meeting, there are 2 main innovations – detailing of process and the multi-moment observation method.

It is worth taking into consideration that

although Lean and REFA are a comprehensive approach to different tools, but the two concepts have a common goal, which is not only to introduce new techniques, but to bring production to a whole new level.

We would like to extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation Liudmyla Batenko for an extremely interesting and accessible presentation of the material!

We were glad to see everyone who was able to join both offline and online. Follow the news and stay tuned!

If you would like to get a record of the meeting, contact us by e-mail [email protected]

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