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Consumer Electronics

06/ 04/ 2021
  On April 6, a working meeting of the EBA Consumer Electronics Committee members and representatives of the National Commission for State Regulation of Communications and Informatization (NCCIR) took place. During the meeting, the parties discussed the draft NCCIR Decision on amendments to the Rules for the provision of information to consumers by radio equipment manufacturers. In particular, industry representatives provided a number of comments on the draft NCCIR Decision, as the introduction of additional requirements for the content of mandatory information for consumers will necessitate for manufacturers to revise product documentation, which, in turn, requires significant financial costs and an average of one and a half to three years of the preparatory period. Therefore, the parties discussed the remarks of the representatives of the EBA Committee and developed compromise ideas on the updated version, which on the one hand meet the goals of the Regulator, and on the other hand will not be extremely burdensome for the business community. The EBA is grateful to the NCCIR representatives for their openness to dialogue and constructive discussion. We hope that the voice of business will be heard, and new requirements for the provision of mandatory information to consumers of radio equipment will be finalized in accordance with the proposals provided by the community.

On April 6, a working meeting of the EBA Consumer Electronics Committee members and representatives of the National Commission for State Regulation of Communications and Informatization (NCCIR) took place. During the meeting, the parties discussed the draft NCCIR Decision on amendments to the Rules for the provision of information to consumers by radio equipment manufacturers.

In particular, industry representatives provided a number of comments on the draft NCCIR Decision, as the introduction of additional requirements for the content of mandatory information for consumers will necessitate for manufacturers to revise product documentation, which, in turn, requires significant financial costs and an average of one and a half to three years of the preparatory period.

Therefore, the parties discussed the remarks of the representatives of the EBA Committee and developed compromise ideas on the updated version, which on the one hand meet the goals of the Regulator, and on the other hand will not be extremely burdensome for the business community.

The EBA is grateful to the NCCIR representatives for their openness to dialogue and constructive discussion. We hope that the voice of business will be heard, and new requirements for the provision of mandatory information to consumers of radio equipment will be finalized in accordance with the proposals provided by the community.

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