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23/ 08/ 2018
  Representatives of the Customs Committee met to discuss the following issues: The Law “On currency” The Pan-Euro-Med zone aspects for Ukraine Other: the possibility of adoption the Law #7010; the possibility of adoption the draft law on AEO; the possibility of adoption the draft law on the renewal of HS codes; the practical possibility of obtaining permits for a part of a consignment of goods in a single window. (For example, in one lot 2 products are subject to sanitary epidemiological control.) There is a conclusion of the san epidemiological examination for 1 product only, and there is no such conclusion for the second one. How we can provide sanitary control only for 1 product?

Representatives of the Customs Committee met to discuss the following issues:

  1. The Law “On currency”
  2. The Pan-Euro-Med zone aspects for Ukraine
  3. Other:
  • the possibility of adoption the Law #7010;
  • the possibility of adoption the draft law on AEO;
  • the possibility of adoption the draft law on the renewal of HS codes;
  • the practical possibility of obtaining permits for a part of a consignment of goods in a single window. (For example, in one lot 2 products are subject to sanitary epidemiological control.) There is a conclusion of the san epidemiological examination for 1 product only, and there is no such conclusion for the second one. How we can provide sanitary control only for 1 product?

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