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Нагороди компанії:
Forever Together

Унікальна нагорода для «повнолітніх» дорослих компаній, котрі з ЕВА 18+ років. Це точно любов, бо як пояснити факт таких тривалих взаємин? 😊 І ми хочемо, щоб про це дізналися усі.

Second Chance Bank Hero

Краще ніж підтримувати «green» тренди – це створювати свої. Зустрічайте засновників Second Chance Bank. Пишаємося нашими трендсетерами, котрі культивують повторне використання вживаних речей!


Наша Хоробра Зірка хоче відзначити компанії, які безстрашно долають шлях та досягають успіхів навіть під час воєнного часу в Україні. Ми пишаємося вашою стійкістю, надзвичайною адаптивністю та відданістю веденню бізнесу в Україні.

Smart company

Ваші колеги мали від 10 до 29 відвідин наших тренінгів та/або програм з розвитку протягом року? То ми залюбки напишемо про це у Facebook.

During 2002 and 2003 Bayer has conducted a large scale reorganization and as of November 2003 the Bayer Group is operating globally within a new corporate structure, with Bayer AG assuming the role of a management holding. Within the Bayer Group’s three business areas – Bayer HealthCare, Bayer CropScience, and Bayer MaterialScience – the company is positioning itself for future growth. Within the scope of the strategies, goals and guidelines set by the Group Board of Management, the business areas are separate operating units with own business responsibility. The Bayer CropScience subgroup is one of the world’s leading innovative enterprises in the areas of crop protection, seeds, biotechnology and non-agricultural pest control.

Headquartered in Mohnheim, Germany, Bayer CropScience is on course for further growth with high-performance products, pioneering innovations and a keen customer focus. At this very moment, the progress in biotechnology, including genetically improved seeds, is helping us to deal with the increasingly complex challenges regarding food safety, quality and supply. As a key part of Bayers’ commitment to life sciences, Bayer CropScience believes that crop production is a closely related, innovation-driven businesses. Headquartered in Leverkusen, Bayer HealthCare develops, manufactures and markets innovative products for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. The company thus plays an important part in improving the health of people and animals. This subgroup comprises six global divisions: Animal Health, Biological Products, Consumer Care, Diabetes Care, Diagnostics and Pharmaceuticals divisions. Bayer Material Science is a leading manufacturer and supplier of innovative, high-performance materials for use in numerous areas of daily life. Customers include the automotive and automotive supply industries, as well as companies in the electrical/electronics, construction and living, sports and leisure sectors. The product portfolio comprises polyurethane raw materials, polycarbonates, coating and adhesive raw materials, sealants, thermoplastic polyurethanes and inorganic basic chemicals and other.

In Ukraine renewed Bayer LTD runs its businesses since October 2002 and represents the following subgroups: HealthCare, CropScience, MaterialScience. A team of more than 100 Ukrainian professionals is committed to deliver expertise and innovation to the developing industry of Ukraine. In 2005 total sales to the Ukrainian market were more than 48 Mio Euro.

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