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Нагороди компанії:
Forever Together

Унікальна нагорода для «повнолітніх» дорослих компаній, котрі з ЕВА 18+ років. Це точно любов, бо як пояснити факт таких тривалих взаємин? 😊 І ми хочемо, щоб про це дізналися усі.


Наша Хоробра Зірка хоче відзначити компанії, які безстрашно долають шлях та досягають успіхів навіть під час воєнного часу в Україні. Ми пишаємося вашою стійкістю, надзвичайною адаптивністю та відданістю веденню бізнесу в Україні.

Farmasoft is the single point of contact to enter the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market. We help pharmaceutical companies enter Ukraine by providing the following services:
– market analysis and consulting;
– product registration;
– customer related marketing and advertising;
– delivering sales results;
– warehousing and distribution;
– clinical research.

We are experts in the ever-changing complexities of bringing new drugs to the Ukrainian market. Our contacts with the leading medical institutions in the Ukraine make us the ideal partner to market new products. We are also one of the few companies in the Ukraine with access to world-class secure warehouses, and licenses to clear customs and excise.

Market Analysis: We give manufacturers detailed market analysis using sophisticated statistical models that receive information directly from various points-of-sale located in pharmacies and kiosks throughout the country. We provide insights in the following areas:
– competitive market analysis;
– market development trends;
– sales forecasts;
– recommendations on inventory levels.

Product Registration: Ukraine has a rather complex set of steps required for drug registration. We provide the following services to help manufacturers register products in the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market:
– registration with the health authorities;
– extension of exiting registrations;
– bar-code registration with national point of sales network;
– clinical trials;
– certificates of health and safety compliance.

Marketing and advertising: We can assist manufacturers with the following advertising activities:
– marketing of product on cycle basis;
– promotion of product using sales representatives;
– publication of clinical research results in the scientific press;
– organization and conducting conferences, seminars, lectures;
– carrying out promotional activities with distributors.

Delivering sales results: Farmasoft can help manufacturers sell their products through its vast network of wholesalers, pharmacies, and kiosks. We also assist manufacturers negotiate the best prices, and help negotiate contracts that best protect their products.
– sales delivery based on active promotion;
– carrying on negotiations and drafting contracts;
– securing a close cooperation with national distributors.

Warehousing and distribution: Farmasoft gives manufacturers access to warehousing and transportation facilities, including services such as customs and excise clearing. The warehousing and distribution services provided are the following:
– temperature-controlled and high-security storage;
– customs and excise clearing;
– consignment and bonded warehousing;
– best transportation solutions to access the client.

Clinical research: We provide full service list for clinical research by foreign companies:
– support of clinical trials for international companies;
– storage of clinical research materials;
– managing research process on client SOP basis.

All that we do is done under the high-ethics standards. Our philosophy is not to let the developing pharmaceutical market create the problems for the manufacturer. We eliminate all cultural and language misperceptions during the entry process. We successfully create trust of our partners to Ukraine and Ukrainian pharmaceutical market. Our strategy is not the short term attitude. We provide smooth and easy market access and secure the investment.

Зверніть увагу!
Наша місія - це колаборація компаній зі спільними цінностями.
Ми отримаємо Ваш запит і протягом двох робочих днів надішлемо його тому співробітнику компанії, для якого воно буде максимально корисним.
У Вашої компанії є 10 спроб на рік заочно познайомитися з іншими компаніями. Якщо Ви бажаєте збільшити цю кількість, будь ласка, зв’яжіться з нами.
Зверніть увагу, що відповідно до Кодексу Поведінки Асоціації на платформі Асоціації забороняється вчинення будь-яких узгоджених дій, що можуть обмежити конкуренцію між Членами Асоціації.
Пишіть нам у випадку додаткових питань і пропозицій.

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