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PMD Pre-MBA 2019 Module 1. Brain Adaptive Leadership

30/ 03/ 2019
    Last Saturday, March 30th, we successfully launched the third season of PMD Pre-MBA with a great group of participants willing to change themselves, change their companies, change Ukraine and the world! At the first module Brain Adaptive Leadershipr Alexandros Psichogios, Professor of International HRM, Birmingham City University (UK), Visiting Lecturer in the CITY College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, was explaining how managers can develop further their leadership capabilities by focusing on applied knowledge coming from brain science. The participants had the chance to familiarize with the most important findings from Neuroscience and behavioral science, trained on simple-tounderstand and simple-to-follow method, namely the Brain Adaptive Leadership (BAL) framework. Based on brain and behavioral science, they uncovered ways to boost executives leadership brains and prepare them in adjusting their behavior for challenging and complex business environments. We would like to extend our sincerest thanks and appreciation to Alexandros Psichogios for his unsurpassed professionalism and inspiration! Special thanks to our partners: CITY College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, BASF, Radisson Blu Hotel, Kyiv Podil, Dip Me, Mind Ua, Unit City. Look forward to the next module on April 20th!


Last Saturday, March 30th, we successfully launched the third season of PMD Pre-MBA with a great group of participants willing to change themselves, change their companies, change Ukraine and the world!

At the first module “Brain Adaptive Leadershipr” Alexandros Psichogios, Professor of International HRM, Birmingham City University (UK), Visiting Lecturer in the CITY College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, was explaining how managers can develop further their leadership capabilities by focusing on applied knowledge coming from brain science.

The participants had the chance to familiarize with the most important findings from Neuroscience and behavioral science, trained on simple-tounderstand and simple-to-follow method, namely the Brain Adaptive Leadership (BAL) framework. Based on brain and behavioral science, they uncovered ways to boost executives’ leadership brains and prepare them in adjusting their behavior for challenging and complex business environments.

We would like to extend our sincerest thanks and appreciation to Alexandros Psichogios for his unsurpassed professionalism and inspiration!

Special thanks to our partners: CITY College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, BASF, Radisson Blu Hotel, Kyiv Podil, Dip Me, Mind Ua, Unit City. Look forward to the next module on April 20th!

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