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JCC Ukraine Infrastructure Roundtable: Continuing the URC 2022 Discussion “Infrastructure (transportation, energy, urban) in Ukraine: Planning for Reconstruction”

17/ 11/ 2022
  With Keynote Speaker: H.E. Mrs. Anna Yurchenko, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine for European Integration Date: December 7, 2022  15:00-19:00 Venue: MAN Energy Solutions,  Hardstrasse 319, 8005 Zurich, Switzerland The Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC 2022) that took place on July 4-5, 2022 in Lugano, Switzerland set the stage for post-war reconstruction of Ukraines energy, infrastructure and manufacturing sectors. The Government of Ukraine is looking at specific needs across different regions this winter and beyond. Based on the highest priorities, tailored recovery and reconstruction plans are being developed to guide a program in each area.   There is a lot of expertise that Swiss companies can bring to the reconstruction process, especially in the areas of transportation, energy and urban infrastructure (including building construction, water supply and waste management). The JCC Ukraine Infrastructure Roundtable is the next step post-Lugano where we will consider the Ukrainian Governments priorities for reconstruction and how Swiss companies can get their foot in the door on specific projects.  For the detailed program and to register, please click here: https://jointchambers.ch/jcc-events/jcc-ukraine-roundtable/ Winter Fundraiser for Ukraine JCC in partnership with the Mriya Ukraïna Charitable Association - https://mriya.eu/- founded by JCC Vice President Iurie Moraru, is holding a Winter Fundraiser for Ukraine.   You can either donate a generator or make a financial contribution which Mriya Ukraïna will use to buy a generator. More details The three biggest donors will be anounced at the JCC Ukraine Infrasturcture Roundtable on December 7 and receive wonderful prizes.

With Keynote Speaker: H.E. Mrs. Anna Yurchenko, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine for European Integration

Date: December 7, 2022  15:00-19:00

Venue: MAN Energy Solutions,  Hardstrasse 319, 8005 Zurich, Switzerland

The Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC 2022) that took place on July 4-5, 2022 in Lugano, Switzerland set the stage for post-war reconstruction of Ukraine’s energy, infrastructure and manufacturing sectors. The Government of Ukraine is looking at specific needs across different regions this winter and beyond. Based on the highest priorities, tailored recovery and reconstruction plans are being developed to guide a program in each area.  

There is a lot of expertise that Swiss companies can bring to the reconstruction process, especially in the areas of transportation, energy and urban infrastructure (including building construction, water supply and waste management). The JCC Ukraine Infrastructure Roundtable is the next step post-Lugano where we will consider the Ukrainian Government’s priorities for reconstruction and how Swiss companies can get their foot in the door on specific projects.  For the detailed program and to register, please click here: https://jointchambers.ch/jcc-events/jcc-ukraine-roundtable/

Winter Fundraiser for Ukraine

JCC in partnership with the Mriya Ukraïna Charitable Association – https://mriya.eu/– founded by JCC Vice President Iurie Moraru, is holding a Winter Fundraiser for Ukraine.  

You can either donate a generator or make a financial contribution which Mriya Ukraïna will use to buy a generator. More details

The three biggest donors will be anounced at the JCC Ukraine Infrasturcture Roundtable on December 7 and receive wonderful prizes.

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