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Ukraine will revise employment quotas for people with disabilities

05/ 03/ 2021
   Thus, employers will have more flexibility in complying with the employment standards by direct employment of people with disabilities, ordering services and goods from businesses owned by the disabled, or making charitable contributions to the development of an accessible environment. These and other norms are included in the draft National Strategy for the Barrier-Free Environment, which was presented today at a meeting of the interdepartmental working group chaired by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal with the participation of First Lady Olena Zelenska. Representatives of the European Business Association also took part in the presentation. The project offers many innovations that will promote the inclusion of vulnerable groups in the economic life of the country, including: · Simplify the procedure for businesses to obtain financial support for creating jobs on the principle of money follows the candidate; · Ensure the transparent use of funds for the implementation of the norm for employment, received by the Fund for Social Protection of People with Disabilities, for the adaptation of jobs and workplaces; · Enhance the activities of the Fund for Social Protection of People with Disabilities to promote the real employment of people with disabilities, in terms of transparency and openness of all processes and procedures; · Provide companies with advice on creating an accessible environment and inclusive employment; · Develop and publish standard provisions and information materials on diversity and inclusiveness; · Add the profession of inclusivity specialist to the classifier of professions; · Develop a system of tax benefits for employers who employ more people with disabilities than the current norm of 4%, and create a progressive scale of sanctions payment for non-compliance with the norm, etc. Olga Boiko. Industrial Ecology and Sustainable Development Committee Coordinator. Creating incentives for employers to implement the principles of equality in employment and the workplace - this was one of the tasks of economic accessibility, on which the EBA experts focus the attention. We have analyzed all the challenges facing business in this context and tried to build a policy that takes into account the interests of all stakeholders, both candidates, and companies. A process of wide public discussion will begin shortly, after which, in April, the finalized document agreed with all stakeholders will be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers. For reference: The draft National Strategy for the Barrier-Free Environment in Ukraine was developed on the initiative of First Lady Olena Zelenska and in pursuance of the Decree of the President of Ukraine On Barrier-Free Environment in Ukraine.   Be the first to learn about the latest EBA news with our Telegram-channel – EBAUkraine.  

 Thus, employers will have more flexibility in complying with the employment standards by direct employment of people with disabilities, ordering services and goods from businesses owned by the disabled, or making charitable contributions to the development of an accessible environment.

These and other norms are included in the draft National Strategy for the Barrier-Free Environment, which was presented today at a meeting of the interdepartmental working group chaired by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal with the participation of First Lady Olena Zelenska. Representatives of the European Business Association also took part in the presentation.

The project offers many innovations that will promote the inclusion of vulnerable groups in the economic life of the country, including:

· Simplify the procedure for businesses to obtain financial support for creating jobs on the principle of “money follows the candidate”;
· Ensure the transparent use of funds for the implementation of the norm for employment, received by the Fund for Social Protection of People with Disabilities, for the adaptation of jobs and workplaces;
· Enhance the activities of the Fund for Social Protection of People with Disabilities to promote the real employment of people with disabilities, in terms of transparency and openness of all processes and procedures;
· Provide companies with advice on creating an accessible environment and inclusive employment;
· Develop and publish standard provisions and information materials on diversity and inclusiveness;
· Add the profession of inclusivity specialist to the classifier of professions;
· Develop a system of tax benefits for employers who employ more people with disabilities than the current norm of 4%, and create a progressive scale of sanctions payment for non-compliance with the norm, etc.

Olga Boiko Industrial Ecology and Sustainable Development Committee Coordinator
Creating incentives for employers to implement the principles of equality in employment and the workplace - this was one of the tasks of economic accessibility, on which the EBA experts focus the attention. We have analyzed all the challenges facing business in this context and tried to build a policy that takes into account the interests of all stakeholders, both candidates, and companies.

A process of wide public discussion will begin shortly, after which, in April, the finalized document agreed with all stakeholders will be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.

For reference: The draft National Strategy for the Barrier-Free Environment in Ukraine was developed on the initiative of First Lady Olena Zelenska and in pursuance of the Decree of the President of Ukraine ” On Barrier-Free Environment in Ukraine”.


Be the first to learn about the latest EBA news with our Telegram-channel EBAUkraine.


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