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Olga Balytska to lead Real Estate practice at PwC Legal Ukraine

18/ 10/ 2017
  On October 12, Olga Balytska has joined PwC Legal in Ukraine as a Head of the firm’s Real Estate practice. Olga is a well-known expert in legal issues dealing with real estate, construction and land use, with more than 15 years of record of accomplishment with leading multinational and domestic companies. She was repeatedly elected as a Chair of the Real Estate Committee of the European Business Association, as well Olga is an active member of the Commission on Urban Development, Architecture and Land Use. Being a member of the Kyiv City Council, she came up with numerous initiatives aiming to resolve most of contrve developments in the city of Kyiv and draft ordinances that introduce fundamental changes to urban development. She is the author of the first real reform designed to bring out of the shadows one of the most corrupt types of payments schemes - a draft ordinance [On approval of] The procedure for raising, accounting and using funds contributed by stakeholders in the development of Kyiv infrastructure. I am very thankful for the invitation to join the legal team of PwC Legal, said Olga Balytska. I am deeply convinced, and this conviction is based on first-hand experience, that despite all the adverse conditions, well thought out and legally balanced domestic and international investments in real estate, construction, infrastructure projects, agriculture, alternative and renewable energy sources can serve as a guarantee of their successful implementation and security. We utilize up-to-date professional approach to solve issues at hand rather than old-school methods and leverage benefits of the effective legislation to secure our clients success. I am convinced that close collaboration with tax and audit experts, business consultants and other teams within the PwC global network allows us to approach legal issues from different directions and offer our clients truly effective solutions covering all aspects of doing business. Andrey Pronchenko, Managing Partner at PwC Legal Ukraine: Our team is happy to welcome Olga to its ranks. Olga is regarded in the market as a champion of promoting a transparent and legitimate construction marketplace in Ukraine and contributes to the introduction of an effective investment policy in accordance with the best European standards and world’s best practices. Her civic and professional position truly deserves respect and correlates with the PwC’s brand purposes – to build trust in society and solve important problems.

On October 12, Olga Balytska has joined PwC Legal in Ukraine as a Head of the firm’s Real Estate practice.

Olga is a well-known expert in legal issues dealing with real estate, construction and land use, with more than 15 years of record of accomplishment with leading multinational and domestic companies. She was repeatedly elected as a Chair of the Real Estate Committee of the European Business Association, as well Olga is an active member of the Commission on Urban Development, Architecture and Land Use.

Being a member of the Kyiv City Council, she came up with numerous initiatives aiming to resolve most of contrve developments in the city of Kyiv and draft ordinances that introduce fundamental changes to urban development.

She is the author of the first real reform designed to bring out of the shadows one of the most corrupt types of payments schemes – a draft ordinance “[On approval of] The procedure for raising, accounting and using funds contributed by stakeholders in the development of Kyiv infrastructure”.

“I am very thankful for the invitation to join the legal team of PwC Legal,” said Olga Balytska“I am deeply convinced, and this conviction is based on first-hand experience, that despite all the adverse conditions, well thought out and legally balanced domestic and international investments in real estate, construction, infrastructure projects, agriculture, alternative and renewable energy sources can serve as a guarantee of their successful implementation and security. We utilize up-to-date professional approach to solve issues at hand rather than old-school methods and leverage benefits of the effective legislation to secure our clients success. I am convinced that close collaboration with tax and audit experts, business consultants and other teams within the PwC global network allows us to approach legal issues from different directions and offer our clients truly effective solutions covering all aspects of doing business”.

Andrey Pronchenko, Managing Partner at PwC Legal Ukraine: “Our team is happy to welcome Olga to its ranks. Olga is regarded in the market as a champion of promoting a transparent and legitimate construction marketplace in Ukraine and contributes to the introduction of an effective investment policy in accordance with the best European standards and world’s best practices. Her civic and professional position truly deserves respect and correlates with the PwC’s brand purposes – to build trust in society and solve important problems”.

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