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EBA Customs Committee in Kharkiv: Classification of Goods

08/ 04/ 2019
  Classification of goods is used to determine the amount of duties and taxes paid by exporters and importers. The risks of incorrectly classifying goods can lead to underpayment of duties, imposition of fines and severe penalties by Customs authorities in case of post-audit. Сlassification basics, rules of classifying set of goods, package and containers, disputable cases etc. were discussed at the event. The experts raised the issues of the automated risk management system and gave recommendations for the following actions.   “If you have doubts in correctness of classifying, use the right of physical examination of goods, or submit the application for the Preliminary Customs Ruling on Classification of Goods. You can also search for similar cases in the Customs Ruling Database on the site of the State Fiscal service,” – recommends customs expert Oksana Molynska. Customs Consultant Vera Nosovа  and Anjey Kilaru, Senior Legal Advisor of ILOC, shared practice of сontesting Customs Ruling on Classification of Goods.

Classification of goods is used to determine the amount of duties and taxes paid by exporters and importers. The risks of incorrectly classifying goods can lead to underpayment of duties, imposition of fines and severe penalties by Customs authorities in case of post-audit.

Сlassification basics, rules of classifying set of goods, package and containers, disputable cases etc. were discussed at the event. The experts raised the issues of the automated risk management system and gave recommendations for the following actions.  

“If you have doubts in correctness of classifying, use the right of physical examination of goods, or submit the application for the Preliminary Customs Ruling on Classification of Goods. You can also search for similar cases in the Customs Ruling Database on the site of the State Fiscal service,” – recommends customs expert Oksana Molynska.

Customs Consultant Vera Nosovа  and Anjey Kilaru, Senior Legal Advisor of ILOC, shared practice of сontesting Customs Ruling on Classification of Goods.

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