Development Programme on Compliance
- Status:We are working on the next season
About the Programme
The «Compliance» is increasingly used in Ukrainian society. Nevertheless, what is compliance? This is definitely something more than just compliance with the requirements of the law. These are the rules of introduction of business, which are fair with respect to employees, customers and business partners, as well as the overall society in which the Company operates. At the same time, Compliance is not just a set of rules and procedures, it is a continuous process that helps employees understand how to act honestly and make the right decisions every day. Ensuring Compliance procedures will help your company prevent and detect violations of the rules, and can also save your organization from fines and lawsuits, and contribute to the prosperity and stability of your company.
Therefore, EBA Management Development Centre Team invite you to discover new knowledge in the field of Compliance.
- In-house (company) lawyers and managers who would like to enhance their legal knowledge
- Legal practitioners
- HR specialists who would like to enhance their knowledge in compliance issues
- Everybody, who is eager to broaden and deepen the skills and professional qualifications in the field of compliance
- Discover how to deliver Compliance to the “internal client” in a proper and easy way;
- Learn the key issues of new EU regulation on Data Protection (GDPR);
- Learn how to mitigate Compliance risks;
- Find out why HR Compliance is a necessary part of the company’s risks mitigation;
- Improve the knowledge in Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Compliance;
- Get acquainted with the main points of the Sanction Compliance;
- Get knowledge on creating a bank’s compliance culture;
- Deep your knowledge in Anti-trust Compliance, as well learn the consequences of violating the Anti-trust law on the practical examples (cases);
- Exchange the best compliance practice and learn “success stories” of the companies’ effective internal compliance systems
MODULE 1 – October, 29 2018
How to build a culture of compliance: simple ideas for explaining complex things (case study)
Victoria Melnychenko, head of Compliance Practice at the International Law Company INTEGRITES; PhD, has more than 16 years of experience as an “inhouse” lawyer, including the head with the legal functions and compliance functions of the international companies such as COFCO INTL, AVON, BASF, Lactalis.
Irina Holovkova, Director of the Legal Department in Ukraine and the CIS, Commissioner for Corruption Prevention, Pharma Start | Acino Group.
- Compliance begins with the law, but should the Compliance specialist think broader than just a lawyer?
- How to deliver Compliance to the «internal client» properly? Case study
- Compliance Manager AND/OR Data Protection Officer? Could these positions be combined?
- «Pharma» – the unique world of Compliance
- Peculiarities of the relationships with the pharmaceutical specialists
- Violations of the internal regulations: to dismiss impossible to keep. Case study
MODULE 2 – November 5, 2018
Third-party due diligence
Olena Limakova, head of the Legal and Compliance Department at Sandoz, Novartis pharmaceutical company. Since 2000 she has worked in the field of law in such companies: British American Tobacco, Wrigley.
- Types of risks associated with third parties
- Preparatory steps for launching the due diligence system
- The most up-to-date standards and third partyrisk management process
- Distribution of responsibilities of participants in the due diligence process
MODULE 3 – November 12, 2018
Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Compliance
Anna Zharova, head of the legal and compliance service of LLC Philips Ukraine, has 10 years experience including in such companies as Danone and Unilever.
- History of Bribery
- Anti-Corruption & Anti-Bribery laws. FCPA cases
- Conflicts of Interests. Cases studies
- Gift, Hospitality and Charitable contributions. Cases studies
MODULE 4 – November 19, 2018
Sanctions Compliance
Oleksiy Povolotskiy, Acting Director on Corporate Governance, Risk Management and Compliance, DTEK.
Maria Sudarikova, compliance manager, DTEK.
Alyona Ageenko, compliance manager, DTEK.
- Introduction to the international sanctions
- Ukrainian sanctions
- US sanctions
- EU sanctions
- Customer sanctions screening
- Case study
MODULE 5 – November 26, 2018 (16:00 – 20:00)
HR Compliance+GDPR
Tetyana Ivanovych, adviser, lawyer, head of private customers practice, labour and employment practice, ADER HABER
Oleksiy Stolyarenko, Senior Associate at Baker McKenzie, Coordinator of IT/TMT Industry Group, over the last 10 years has worked on most of the major IT/TMT transactions in Ukraine.
Andrii Starzhynskyi, Director of Marketing and Sales at SoftElegance, co-founder of a-Gnostics, big data framework to get value from petabytes of data, has more than 10 years of experience in leading sophisticated software development projects, including adoption of software systems according to GDPR.
- HR Compliance as a necessary part of the company’s risks mitigation
- Why the role of HR in compliance is so important? Conflicts of interests (pre-employment check). Case study
- Labor law compliance. Liability risks according to Ukrainian labor laws and regulations
- What is GDPR and why should you care?
- New personal data compliance requirements under the GDPR
- Implementation of GDPR in Ukraine
- Requirements to software systems according to GDPR
- What is “Privacy by design”?
- What does it means to “Know you rights” (right to view data; correct data; transfer data; be forgotten)?
- How to protect personal data? And what to do in case data is stolen?
MODULE 6 – December 03, 2018
Fair competition and Anti-trust Compliance
Olga Lukyanova, Head of the Law Department, Compliance Officer of Henkel in Ukraine, has the experience of more than 27 years as a lawyer and 20 years – in compliance, worked as a head of the legal department at Procter & Gamble, JTI, MBA Bled School holder.
- Market and Competitive behavior
- Horizontal arrangements
- Vertical agreements
- Abuse of Dominant Market position
- Conduct in Associations and other Trade Groups
- Do’s & Don’ts
- Internal & external correspondence
- Consequences of violating the Antitrust law
- Leniency policy
MODULE 7 – December 10, 2018
Banking Compliance. Anti-money laundering
Polina Kharchenko, Director of Compliance Control and Financial Monitoring at Alfa Bank, the head of the working group on financial monitoring at the Independent Association of Ukrainian Banks (NABU), has more than 23-years of experience in the banking sector, including 15 years of experience in management positions.
Oleg Kostenko, Head of compliance in Alfa Bank (Ukraine) & UKRSOTSBANK, has 17 years of experience in the banking sector of interbank relations, AML/KYC, corporate business and compliance, has 12 years of experience in management positions.
- Anti-Money Laundering. Customer due diligence during the onboarding and in the process of service
- International payments fraud: detection, control and prevention
- Experience of compliance system reloading. Practical recommendations
MODULE 8 – December 17, 2018
Compliance Risk Mitigation (ENG)
Ario Dehghani (English-speaker), Counsel, Head of the Compliance and EU law practices of Redcliffe Partners, has more than 10 years experience in compliance due diligence, implementing and auditing internal compliance systems, conducting compliance investigations and delivering customised training for in-house compliance officers. His industry expertise includes advising global clients from the chemicals, life sciences, electronics, IT, automotive, consumer goods and energy sectors.
- Compliance risks is more than just anticorruption. The main risk areas you should double check!
- Why taking compliance risks serious? Why mainly managing the outcome of compliance violations can be very expensive?
- Why written policies put in a long box and a little bit of good will is by far not enough?
- Copy – Paste is dangerous and not enough! The necessity of a tailored approach
- International law regimes with extraterritorial effect into Ukraine – Do you know all risks coming from outside law regimes? Are you prepared?
- The role of the Compliance Officer – why must it be more than a young person which did coffee before and now gets USD 50 more per months
- What advantages a risk mitigation can bring for business?
- How to build up a strong compliance culture and monitoring process – do you have a culture more than some policies on paper? Why monitoring does not mean prosecuting, but more encouraging?
- The minimum elements every company should have
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