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EВA initiated a comprehensive study on the readiness of the Ukrainian construction materials market for the reconstruction process of Ukraine

17/ 06/ 2024
  Back in 2022, the European Business Association established the Ukraine Recovery Committee, which united companies from various industries and sectors of the economy, all sharing a common goal – to formulate a vision and actively work on rebuilding the country in all its aspects. Currently, the Committee not only actively analyzes and provides its proposals for legislative initiatives related to recovery and attracting investments, but also oversees several important projects of the EBA, such as the Investment Map, the preparation of annual White Papers with consolidated business proposals on recovery issues, and improving the overall business climate in Ukraine. Recently, the EBA Ukraine Recovery Committee initiated another important project – conducting a comprehensive study of the Ukrainian construction materials market and its readiness for the recovery and reconstruction processes in Ukraine. The EBA is conducting this study in collaboration with the Kyiv School of Economics. The war initiated by the russian federation against our country has led to the destruction of more than 200,000 residential buildings, hundreds of schools, healthcare facilities, tens of thousands of kilometers of roads, bridges, and other infrastructure. All of this needs to be rebuilt, and its hard to overestimate the role of high-quality construction materials in this process. Viktoriia Kulykova. Head of the Department of Committees of the European Business Association. Therefore, within the framework of the study, we plan to analyze the pre-war construction materials market in Ukraine, the impact of the full-scale military aggression, the current situation, including the problems in the construction materials production sector, market demand, the sufficiency of production capacities, and we will try to provide recommendations to producers, consumers, and the state as a whole regarding the reconstruction strategy for Ukraine. An important part of the study will also be the issues of green production of building materials, sustainable development, and the recycling of construction waste. The publication of the results is planned for July. We hope that the results of this study will be beneficial both for the economy and for the entire country as a whole!

Back in 2022, the European Business Association established the Ukraine Recovery Committee, which united companies from various industries and sectors of the economy, all sharing a common goal – to formulate a vision and actively work on rebuilding the country in all its aspects.

Currently, the Committee not only actively analyzes and provides its proposals for legislative initiatives related to recovery and attracting investments, but also oversees several important projects of the EBA, such as the Investment Map, the preparation of annual White Papers with consolidated business proposals on recovery issues, and improving the overall business climate in Ukraine.

Recently, the EBA Ukraine Recovery Committee initiated another important project – conducting a comprehensive study of the Ukrainian construction materials market and its readiness for the recovery and reconstruction processes in Ukraine. The EBA is conducting this study in collaboration with the Kyiv School of Economics.

The war initiated by the russian federation against our country has led to the destruction of more than 200,000 residential buildings, hundreds of schools, healthcare facilities, tens of thousands of kilometers of roads, bridges, and other infrastructure. All of this needs to be rebuilt, and it’s hard to overestimate the role of high-quality construction materials in this process.

Viktoriia Kulykova Head of the Department of Committees of the European Business Association
Therefore, within the framework of the study, we plan to analyze the pre-war construction materials market in Ukraine, the impact of the full-scale military aggression, the current situation, including the problems in the construction materials production sector, market demand, the sufficiency of production capacities, and we will try to provide recommendations to producers, consumers, and the state as a whole regarding the reconstruction strategy for Ukraine.

An important part of the study will also be the issues of “green” production of building materials, sustainable development, and the recycling of construction waste. The publication of the results is planned for July. We hope that the results of this study will be beneficial both for the economy and for the entire country as a whole!

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