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EBA Odesa Business Talk: Recovery Ukraine. Reconstruction projects in the South of Ukraine

24/ 05/ 2024
    On May 23, 2024, an expert discussion took place in Odesa at the EBA Odesa Business Talk: Recovery Ukraine, dedicated to the issues of recovery and development of Southern Ukraine. The event, organized by the Southern Ukrainian Office of the European Business Association and the member company Interlegal, brought together leading experts, entrepreneurs, and government representatives to discuss key regional recovery projects. During the panel discussions, participants addressed a range of current issues, including infrastructure projects, the development of the agro-industrial complex, and attracting investments. Special attention was given to initiatives for the reconstruction of port infrastructure, which are critically important for restoring economic activity in the region. The forum also showcased several successful cases of cooperation between international investors and local entrepreneurs, demonstrating the potential for further development and integration of Ukraine into the European economy. Participants had the opportunity to exchange experiences and establish new business contacts. Thank you to all the speakers for participating in the event: Tomasz Juda, Director of Ukratlantic; Ivan Sakal, CFO of Agrofusion; Kostiantyn Furman, Head of Operational and Legal Support Department at Agrofusion; Yuriy Dimchoglo, Founder of Orlivka Ferry Complex LLC; Thomas Sillesen, CEO and Co-founder of Ackermann Solutions; Yoshio Nakagawa, Member of the Board of Directors and Director of Infrastructure Development Department at Padeco Co.; Andriy Shkliar, Transport Economist-Consultant at Royal Haskoning DHV; Dmytro Ochkolias, Ph.D., Lawyer, Leading Legal Expert at Interlegal; Denys Shugal, First Deputy Head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine; and Ugo Poletti, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Odessa Journal. Special thanks to Artur Nitsevych, Head of the Legal Committee of the Southern Ukrainian Office of the European Business Association and Partner at Interlegal, for moderating the event. In summarizing the meeting results, participants expressed confidence that such events would contribute to accelerating recovery processes and reached a consensus that Southern Ukraine has enormous potential for economic growth. Our common goal is to maximize this potential for the countrys recovery. EBA Odesa Business Talk: Recovery Ukraine has become an important step towards the regions reconstruction and a demonstration of the solidarity of Ukrainian business in challenging times.


On May 23, 2024, an expert discussion took place in Odesa at the EBA Odesa Business Talk: Recovery Ukraine, dedicated to the issues of recovery and development of Southern Ukraine. The event, organized by the Southern Ukrainian Office of the European Business Association and the member company Interlegal, brought together leading experts, entrepreneurs, and government representatives to discuss key regional recovery projects.

During the panel discussions, participants addressed a range of current issues, including infrastructure projects, the development of the agro-industrial complex, and attracting investments. Special attention was given to initiatives for the reconstruction of port infrastructure, which are critically important for restoring economic activity in the region.

The forum also showcased several successful cases of cooperation between international investors and local entrepreneurs, demonstrating the potential for further development and integration of Ukraine into the European economy. Participants had the opportunity to exchange experiences and establish new business contacts.

Thank you to all the speakers for participating in the event: Tomasz Juda, Director of Ukratlantic; Ivan Sakal, CFO of Agrofusion; Kostiantyn Furman, Head of Operational and Legal Support Department at Agrofusion; Yuriy Dimchoglo, Founder of Orlivka Ferry Complex LLC; Thomas Sillesen, CEO and Co-founder of Ackermann Solutions; Yoshio Nakagawa, Member of the Board of Directors and Director of Infrastructure Development Department at Padeco Co.; Andriy Shkliar, Transport Economist-Consultant at Royal Haskoning DHV; Dmytro Ochkolias, Ph.D., Lawyer, Leading Legal Expert at Interlegal; Denys Shugal, First Deputy Head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine; and Ugo Poletti, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Odessa Journal. Special thanks to Artur Nitsevych, Head of the Legal Committee of the Southern Ukrainian Office of the European Business Association and Partner at Interlegal, for moderating the event.

In summarizing the meeting results, participants expressed confidence that such events would contribute to accelerating recovery processes and reached a consensus that Southern Ukraine has enormous potential for economic growth. Our common goal is to maximize this potential for the country’s recovery.

EBA Odesa Business Talk: Recovery Ukraine has become an important step towards the region’s reconstruction and a demonstration of the solidarity of Ukrainian business in challenging times.


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