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DSV in Ukraine launched own project DSV Fleet

16/ 10/ 2023
  I am proud to announce that this week DSV Road in Ukraine sent our first truck from the DSV Fleet Project onto its maiden voyage, said Roman Ostroverkh, Director, Road, DSV. 45 years later, having become one of the 3 largest logistics companies in the world, DSV operates on the same principle: DSV provides small carriers with its semi-trailers with the cargoes they transport. The driver himself is often the owner of the vehicle. More than 20,000 of these vehicles drive across Europe every day. DSV in Ukraine has long wanted to use this principle of operation in Ukraine because take the experience of DSV head office. This is now possible thanks to the [temporary] abolishment of transit permits with several European countries on the state level. Under DSV Fleet Project DSV the company plans to operate a fleet of 3rd party hauliers with own DSV-branded semi-trailers, the same way DSV operates anywhere else in Europe. DSV in Ukraine now has plans to launch in total up to 5 trucks in test mode till the end of the year. We made it happen!

“I am proud to announce that this week DSV Road in Ukraine sent our first truck from the DSV Fleet Project onto its maiden voyage”, said Roman Ostroverkh, Director, Road, DSV.

45 years later, having become one of the 3 largest logistics companies in the world, DSV operates on the same principle: DSV provides small carriers with its semi-trailers with the cargoes they transport. The driver himself is often the owner of the vehicle.

More than 20,000 of these vehicles drive across Europe every day. DSV in Ukraine has long wanted to use this principle of operation in Ukraine because take the experience of DSV head office.

This is now possible thanks to the [temporary] abolishment of transit permits with several European countries on the state level.

Under DSV Fleet Project DSV the company plans to operate a fleet of 3rd party hauliers with own DSV-branded semi-trailers, the same way DSV operates anywhere else in Europe. DSV in Ukraine now has plans to launch in total up to 5 trucks in test mode till the end of the year.

We made it happen!

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