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Business asks to make the economy stronger and mobilization more predictable

22/ 05/ 2024
  The business understands and recognizes the need of the Ukrainian army for people and supports the manning of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as a top priority of the state policy in times of war. Businesses are actively involved in supplying both existing and newly created brigades, helping the families of those mobilized, paying taxes, etc. However, for a long time now, the issue of human resources, the issue of finding people, has been a top issue and is among the top problems faced by entrepreneurs across Ukraine. And one of the reasons for this situation is the mobilization of people. Of course, migration and other factors are added. However, when there are situations such as the mobilization of an employee who is critical to the business model of an enterprise, it not only complicates the companys operations (and, accordingly, slows down the growth of the economy), but also brings such an enterprise closer to closure. By doing so, the state does not allow the company to continue operating, as it is virtually impossible to replace specialists critical to the businesss functioning in a timely manner. Accordingly, businesses ask the state to allow them to operate in order to save their companies from closure, from additional avoidable difficulties, to save Ukrainians from being laid off, and so on. After all, the worst thing would be to realize that two and a half years of operation of an enterprise in a time of war, contrary to all possible business laws and common sense, will still lead to its closure. And not because of the enemys actions, but because of the ill-conceived policy of our own state. Business appreciates the daily work of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the front and is extremely grateful to each and every soldier! Nevertheless, business asks the government to help make the economy stronger. In what way? By making mobilization more predictable. And in this vein, the issue of economic booking looks like a tool worth considering. According to the EBA, the identification by the business itself of those employees who are critical to the continued effective operation of the enterprise in the context of war will help slow down the large wave of staffing problems that is increasingly affecting businesses operating in Ukraine every month. Moreover, it will help businesses continue to operate in the difficult military realities. We hope that the voice of business will be heard! A petition has been registered on the website of the President of Ukraine calling for the introduction of an economy booking system as soon as possible! Link to the petition https://petition.president.gov.ua/petition/226740?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2lhyAb3Qd8GGNQ6aXuLQWirsCABPr3y72EYQP2Ge_e8GIDdpcWIjFC12Y_aem_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw 

The business understands and recognizes the need of the Ukrainian army for people and supports the manning of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as a top priority of the state policy in times of war.

Businesses are actively involved in supplying both existing and newly created brigades, helping the families of those mobilized, paying taxes, etc.

However, for a long time now, the issue of human resources, the issue of finding people, has been a top issue and is among the top problems faced by entrepreneurs across Ukraine. And one of the reasons for this situation is the mobilization of people. Of course, migration and other factors are added. However, when there are situations such as the mobilization of an employee who is critical to the business model of an enterprise, it not only complicates the company’s operations (and, accordingly, slows down the growth of the economy), but also brings such an enterprise closer to closure.

By doing so, the state does not allow the company to continue operating, as it is virtually impossible to replace specialists critical to the business’s functioning in a timely manner.

Accordingly, businesses ask the state to allow them to operate in order to save their companies from closure, from additional avoidable difficulties, to save Ukrainians from being laid off, and so on. After all, the worst thing would be to realize that two and a half years of operation of an enterprise in a time of war, contrary to all possible business laws and common sense, will still lead to its closure. And not because of the enemy’s actions, but because of the ill-conceived policy of our own state.

Business appreciates the daily work of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the front and is extremely grateful to each and every soldier! Nevertheless, business asks the government to help make the economy stronger.

In what way? By making mobilization more predictable. And in this vein, the issue of economic booking looks like a tool worth considering. According to the EBA, the identification by the business itself of those employees who are critical to the continued effective operation of the enterprise in the context of war will help slow down the large wave of staffing problems that is increasingly affecting businesses operating in Ukraine every month. Moreover, it will help businesses continue to operate in the difficult military realities.

We hope that the voice of business will be heard!

A petition has been registered on the website of the President of Ukraine calling for the introduction of an economy booking system as soon as possible! Link to the petition https://petition.president.gov.ua/petition/226740?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2lhyAb3Qd8GGNQ6aXuLQWirsCABPr3y72EYQP2Ge_e8GIDdpcWIjFC12Y_aem_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw 

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