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EBA joined the expert discussion on the regulation of tobacco-free nicotine pouches

23/ 01/ 2025
  On 21 January, representatives of the EBA Tobacco Committee joined the discussion on the need to regulate new products on the market - nicotine pouches. The expert meeting was joined by representatives of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Health, Medical Assistance and Health Insurance, as well as representatives of human rights NGOs and business. The European Business Association is grateful to the State Tax Service for organising the meeting and to all participants for an open and constructive dialogue! The business community is convinced that the introduction of separate regulation of nicotine pouches in accordance with EU best practices will create a transparent and competitive market, as well as a quality product. Such an approach will help protect consumer rights, promote the development of legal business and ensure revenues to the state budget.

On 21 January, representatives of the EBA Tobacco Committee joined the discussion on the need to regulate new products on the market – nicotine pouches. The expert meeting was joined by representatives of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Health, Medical Assistance and Health Insurance, as well as representatives of human rights NGOs and business.

The European Business Association is grateful to the State Tax Service for organising the meeting and to all participants for an open and constructive dialogue! The business community is convinced that the introduction of separate regulation of nicotine pouches in accordance with EU best practices will create a transparent and competitive market, as well as a quality product. Such an approach will help protect consumer rights, promote the development of legal business and ensure revenues to the state budget.

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