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30/ 10/ 2018
  KPMG held a seminar on “Transfer pricing for IT companies: how to reduce risks of tax inspection?” The representatives of KPMG have informed IT Committee concerning general information and transfer pricing basics in Ukraine. Covered issues: how inspections are been held; which documents are necessary to be applied; the amounts of penalties and the mechanism of theirs charging; what are the risks appearing during transfer pricing inspections, A part from that, we should note the impressive statistics provided by KPMG experts: possible duration of transfer pricing inspection is up to 30 months (9 months in average); documentation term of limitation for applying is 7 years; penalty for overdue documentation applying is 11000$; surcharge for each day is 300$; during one inspection according to transfer pricing it is reckoned near 100 m. UAH of penalties in average; each fifth documentation request ends up with inspections. Documentation preparation and criteria of relevant companies’ selection issues were mostly accentuated.

KPMG held a seminar on “Transfer pricing for IT companies: how to reduce risks of tax inspection?”

The representatives of KPMG have informed IT Committee concerning general information and transfer pricing basics in Ukraine. Covered issues:

  • how inspections are been held;
  • which documents are necessary to be applied;
  • the amounts of penalties and the mechanism of theirs charging;
  • what are the risks appearing during transfer pricing inspections,

A part from that, we should note the impressive statistics provided by KPMG experts:

  • possible duration of transfer pricing inspection is up to 30 months (9 months in average);
  • documentation term of limitation for applying is 7 years;
  • penalty for overdue documentation applying is 11000$;
  • surcharge for each day is 300$;
  • during one inspection according to transfer pricing it is reckoned near 100 m. UAH of penalties in average;
  • each fifth documentation request ends up with inspections.

Documentation preparation and criteria of relevant companies’ selection issues were mostly accentuated.

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