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Beyond COVID-19: Ukraine Legal Guide, 2nd Edition – Available Online

06/ 07/ 2020
  Kyiv, Ukraine, 3 July 2020 — Baker McKenzie has the pleasure of announcing the publication of the second edition of Beyond COVID-19: Ukraine Legal Guide.   This guide provides answers to common questions that businesses are considering in these unprecedented and uncertain times caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The legal guide covers the most important legal aspects that affect businesses in Ukraine, including:  Employment Data Protection Real Estate Corporate Governance Lending and security arrangements, including currency control measures State support of businesses and tax reliefs Supply chain, including trade controls, commercial and government contracts Antitrust and competition Intellectual property Work of state courts and arbitration tribunals Pharma and medical products We would be happy to provide you with further information on any areas of Ukrainian law in which you may have a particular interest.

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