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SHE. community says NO MORE to home violence

14/ 09/ 2020
  Symphony Solutions joined SHE. community in an initiative to spread awareness on the dreaded topic of domestic violence in the wake of the quarantine crisis. As it’s been noted by many social services, there is a rapid increase in home violence cases due to women often being stuck in lockdown and unable to seek help from abuse. Statistics show that every fourth woman in Ukraine at some point in her life becomes a victim of domestic abuse. In Poland about 250,000 people are victims of domestic violence every year. Since the lockdown, the number of incidents increased by 50 to 60%. These are only the reported cases. NO MORE is a social awareness initiative that aims at giving the voice to those women who were left defenceless and vulnerable living in an abusive environment. Symphony Solutions and SHE. community are always standing at the forefront in the fight for gender equality and supporting women in their career and professional development. NO MORE social initiative strongly resonates with our values so this collaboration was an anticipated step, this time bringing light to the acute issues of home violence and women’s rights. Symphonians said NO MORE. Company leaders recorded a video message that addresses the common problem of making up excuses for the abuser and blaming the victim. Alongside informational support, SHE. community launched fundraising to support NGO for additional living place for those who are in need. Another initiative is the workshop “Dream job: search instructions” to help women take a turn in their career and find a job. “Domestic violence has always been a “hot” topic in our society. But when stats started to pop up showing a rapid rise in cases, we knew that something needed to be done fast. Spreading awareness is important but so is taking action. We wanted to prove our words with real results. This is just the start,” says Valentina Synenka, Chief Marketing Officer at Symphony Solutions and founder of SHE. community. Together with Center Zhinochi Perspectyvy and Educational Center for Human Rights in Lviv, we are aiming to give a chance for a better life to women who have found themselves in dire circumstances. SHE. community is also collaborating with the Mental Health Center in Krakow and Maja Diberova Shelter center in Skopje. About NO MORE Foundation NO MORE is the world’s largest domestic violence and sexual assault awareness initiative that’s ever been created in the history of women’s rights movements. It connects people from all kinds of backgrounds and diverse communities in a common goal to educate society and start a dialogue on the struggles victims of abuse and sexual assault. About Symphony Solutions and SHE. community Symphony Solutions is a digital transformation company headquartered in the Netherlands with delivery centers in Ukraine, Poland, and Northern Macedonia. Operating in the dynamic and forward-looking IT sector, the company has always taken an active part in promoting gender equality, with Integrity and Initiative being two of the key values of Symphony Solutions. Valentina Synenka, the CMO at Symphony Solutions, started SHE. community two years ago as a way to pass on the message through education, events and supporting non-profits and initiatives.

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