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PMD Pre-MBA Module 4. Neuro-management, Change & Innovation

30/ 06/ 2018
    If you have always believed that we have only one brain, you have been deeply mistaken! There are 36 grouped neurosysytems which can be classified into 3 main brains: Action Brain, Thinking Brain and Emotional Brain. These three brain approach helps us to understand organisational change and human behaviour in organisations. The forth module was devoted to Neuro-management Change & Innovation with Alexandros Psichogios, Professor of International HRM, Birmingham City University (UK), Visiting Lecturer in the CITY College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield. With references to brain science, behavioural science and modern management approaches, it was shown that Neuro-management is a balance between meeting needs for organisational change and innovation and adapting to the internal and external contexts. We would like to extend our sincerest thanks and appreciation to Professor Alexandros Psichogios for his unsurpassed professionalism and inspiration! Special thanks to our partners: CITY College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, Japan Tobacco International, (JTI), Radisson Blu Hotel, Kyiv Podil, Реприза. Look forward to the next module on September 22nd!


If you have always believed that we have only one brain, you have been deeply mistaken! There are 36 grouped neurosysytems which can be classified into 3 main brains: Action Brain, Thinking Brain and Emotional Brain. These three brain approach helps us to understand organisational change and human behaviour in organisations.

The forth module was devoted to Neuro-management Change & Innovation with Alexandros Psichogios, Professor of International HRM, Birmingham City University (UK), Visiting Lecturer in the CITY College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield. With references to brain science, behavioural science and modern management approaches, it was shown that Neuro-management is a balance between meeting needs for organisational change and innovation and adapting to the internal and external contexts.

We would like to extend our sincerest thanks and appreciation to Professor Alexandros Psichogios for his unsurpassed professionalism and inspiration! Special thanks to our partners: CITY College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, Japan Tobacco International, (JTI), Radisson Blu Hotel, Kyiv PodilРеприза. Look forward to the next module on September 22nd!

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