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PMD Pre-MBA 2019 Module 4. Change Management and Innovation

01/ 06/ 2019
    It is a well-known fact that a culture of innovation can make a company wildly successful. But the challenge innovative organizations face is to ensure enough attention is being paid to how to actually implement all the fabulous ideas they come up with. Organizations that are looking to survive and even thrive with an innovative culture need be “change-adept”, which means that they need to: provide the skill and structure required to identify problems and improvement opportunities; technically implement solutions in a cost-effective and efficient manner; manage all aspects of the implementation including the human and cultural elements. Great thanks to Giovanni Serafini, Lecturer in International Business and Management Essex Business School, University of Essex (UK) for an outstanding inspiring module “Change Management and Innovation”. Special thanks to our partners: Essex Business School, University of Essex (UK), CITY College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, BASF, Radisson Blu Hotel, Kyiv Podil, Dip Me, Mind Ua, Unit City.


It is a well-known fact that a culture of innovation can make a company wildly successful. But the challenge innovative organizations face is to ensure enough attention is being paid to how to actually implement all the fabulous ideas they come up with.

Organizations that are looking to survive and even thrive with an innovative culture need be “change-adept”, which means that they need to:

  • provide the skill and structure required to identify problems and improvement opportunities;
  • technically implement solutions in a cost-effective and efficient manner;
  • manage all aspects of the implementation including the human and cultural elements.

Great thanks to Giovanni Serafini, Lecturer in International Business and Management Essex Business School, University of Essex (UK) for an outstanding inspiring module “Change Management and Innovation”.

Special thanks to our partners: Essex Business School, University of Essex (UK), CITY College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, BASF, Radisson Blu Hotel, Kyiv Podil, Dip Me, Mind Ua, Unit City.

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