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Maxim Timchenko, was recognized as the best top-manager in Ukraine

16/ 10/ 2019
  We are proud to announce that our CEO, Maxim Timchenko, was recognized as the best top-manager in Ukraine. The ‘Top 100 best top-managers’ chart was compiled by the media agency Ekonomika+ and the publishing house Delo.ua, with the help of leading experts from the HR sphere. “I want to dedicate this award to our entire company, that underwent a rather long and challenging journey. Today, our industry and our company, as well as the whole world, are undergoing important transformations. Technological advancements are important, but we should not lose sight of our consciousness. We believe DTEK plays an important role in the future of Ukraine and in ensuring that our children grow up in an ecologically clean and green country.” - Maxim Timchenko. The award ceremony was held at the Business Wisdom Summit 2019, a forum that brought together nearly 40 speakers - founders and CEOs of leading Ukrainian companies.

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