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Funding for films and audio-visual works in CEE

19/ 12/ 2018
  We are delighted to share with you the latest CMS publication, Funding for films and audio-visual works in Central and Eastern Europe, which aims to give a detailed overview of the funds available for film production in seven CEE jurisdictions. CEE has truly become a hub for film production in recent years and we expect this trend to continue. Low production costs, state of the art infrastructure and a skilled workforce have all contributed towards this, and in addition, governments are highly supportive and aim to encourage investors willing to make their movies in CEE.  We have advised many investors over the past few years and so we decided to create this quick guide to provide some basic information on the funds available in CEE.  We cover seven CEE jurisdictions: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Ukraine, providing answers to key questions such as:  What kind of incentives are available: cash rebates, subsidies, tax credit or others?  What are the main rules for receiving support?  What is the procedure?  We hope this publication will be useful for your business. If you have any questions, we will be happy to help you. Kind regards, the CMS team

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