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Energy of Ukraine 2021 Guide

29/ 07/ 2021
  We are pleased to announce that CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang in Ukraine together with Top Lead produced a new infographic study on Ukraines energy sector. This year, the study is divided into three parts and the first block on RES is ready, followed by the gas industry and a general overview of the market. The study explains the most promising areas in Ukraines energy sector: gas production, alternative energy, and the state of the energy industry in general. The first part covers the following aspects: how renewable sources are developing what other governments in the world and Ukraine are doing in the field of RES why renewables have not yet become the main ones what challenges should Ukraine address for the development of RES what to expect from renewable sources in the future Links to download the first part: Download guide in English Download guide in Ukrainian

We are pleased to announce that CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang in Ukraine together with Top Lead produced a new infographic study on Ukraine’s energy sector.

This year, the study is divided into three parts and the first block on RES is ready, followed by the gas industry and a general overview of the market.

The study explains the most promising areas in Ukraine’s energy sector: gas production, alternative energy, and the state of the energy industry in general.

The first part covers the following aspects:

  • how renewable sources are developing
  • what other governments in the world and Ukraine are doing in the field of RES
  • why renewables have not yet become the main ones
  • what challenges should Ukraine address for the development of RES
  • what to expect from renewable sources in the future

Links to download the first part:

Download guide in English

Download guide in Ukrainian

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