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Energy in Ukraine 2021 Guide Part III – Natural Gas Sector

16/ 09/ 2021
  We are pleased to announce that CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang in Ukraine, together with TOP Lead and Baker Tilly, has released the third part of the Energy of Ukraine 2021 study that focuses on the natural gas sector. The third part covers the following aspects: how energy efficiency is improving, but gas production is stagnating, in Ukraine who produces and consumes gas whether Ukraine can provide itself with gas and what is needed for this how intensively new fields are discovered and new wells are drilled how the gas sector affects the economy of Ukraine The study also includes two other parts were released previously – #1 renewables and #2 conventional energy. To read the the full study: Download the guide in Ukrainian Download the guide in English

We are pleased to announce that CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang in Ukraine, together with TOP Lead and Baker Tilly, has released the third part of the “Energy of Ukraine 2021” study that focuses on the natural gas sector. The third part covers the following aspects:

  • how energy efficiency is improving, but gas production is stagnating, in Ukraine
  • who produces and consumes gas
  • whether Ukraine can provide itself with gas and what is needed for this
  • how intensively new fields are discovered and new wells are drilled
  • how the gas sector affects the economy of Ukraine

The study also includes two other parts were released previously – #1 renewables and #2 conventional energy.

To read the the full study:

Download the guide in Ukrainian

Download the guide in English

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