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Handling Tax Disputes in Europe Handbook

22/ 02/ 2019
  We are pleased to announce the release of the 2019 edition of the Handling Tax Disputes in Europe Handbook. This guide is a valuable tool prepared by Baker McKenzie tax practitioners involved in tax dispute resolution work.  If you would like to obtain a copy of the guide, you can access it through our TaxShare site. TaxShare is Baker McKenzies online resource that allows quick, easy and customized access to the latest tax reference materials. Click on the Request Access to register and be granted access to TaxShare. For any questions or information on the guide, you may reach out to Joyce Cheng. About the book Handling Tax Disputes in Europe 2019 is a valuable tool to support you in the current economic climate in Europe. Where it is difficult to increase taxes locally or introduce new taxes, many governments rely on tax law enforcement to mitigate public budget deficits. For this reason, taxpayers in Europe are experiencing more frequent and more aggressive tax audits. For taxpayers operating in more than one jurisdiction, handling tax disputes is usually not a purely domestic issue. This guide addresses a number of the main issues that 17 of the European countries deal with when anticipating, preparing for and managing tax disputes in Europe. It also provides detailed information about litigation before the Court of Justice of the European Union, the competent authority process, and tax dispute resolution mechanisms within the European Union. Request access to TaxShare Country-by-country Reporting Implementation Guide Global Tax Dispute Resolution Guide Global Transfer Pricing Guide Global Tax Transactions Guide European Inbound Tax Guide Holding Regimes Guide Global Real Estate Taxation Guide Resource materials from other Baker McKenzie practice groups Search, browse and filter guide information down to the jurisdictions and topics you select.  

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