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EBA Dnipro Coordination Council Meeting

19/ 01/ 2021
  The first EBA Dnipro Coordination Council meeting of 2021 was held. Alla Savchenko, President of BDO Ukraine, was elected The Head of Coordination Council of 2021, she has been holding this position for several years. Other members of the Coordination Council noted, that they are confident that Alla Savchenkos business scope, many years of experience and initiative will continue to confidently contribute to the development of the EBA Dnipro Office. During the meeting, it was discussed the strategic direction of the Office development, the future plans and also some issues regarding the current situation with lockdown and adaptive quarantine in the country. In particular, agreed on: Continue to organize more discussions about terms and conditions of different agreements between Ukraine and other countries; Organize meetings with Heads of local authorities; Organize meeting of the Coordination Council with the involvement of the Heads of the EBA Dnipro Office Committee, heads of regional member-companies and other relevant meetings at the request of companies. 😊

The first EBA Dnipro Coordination Council meeting of 2021 was held.

Alla Savchenko, President of BDO Ukraine, was elected The Head of Coordination Council of 2021, she has been holding this position for several years.

Other members of the Coordination Council noted, that they are confident that Alla Savchenko’s business scope, many years of experience and initiative will continue to confidently contribute to the development of the EBA Dnipro Office.

During the meeting, it was discussed the strategic direction of the Office development, the future plans and also some issues regarding the current situation with lockdown and adaptive quarantine in the country.

In particular, agreed on:

  • Continue to organize more discussions about terms and conditions of different agreements between Ukraine and other countries;
  • Organize meetings with Heads of local authorities;
  • Organize meeting of the Coordination Council with the involvement of the Heads of the EBA Dnipro Office Committee, heads of regional member-companies and other relevant meetings at the request of companies. 😊

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