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EBA meeting with the French Agricultural Attaché Jean Lanotte

14/ 06/ 2024
  Representatives of the EBA Animal Health Committee, together with representatives of the Dairy Committee and the Retail Committee, met with the French Agricultural Attaché Jean Lanotte. During the meeting, the companies discussed the issues of updating the veterinary legislation of Ukraine, namely the development of amendments to the Law of Ukraine On Veterinary Medicine, harmonisation of procedures for monitoring of animal and poultry diseases, and registration of French veterinary medicines in Ukraine. They also touched upon the issue of changing the legislation on the circulation of milk and dairy products. The companies representatives thanked Jean Lanotte for Frances support of Ukraine and agreed to cooperate and continue the dialogue.

Representatives of the EBA Animal Health Committee, together with representatives of the Dairy Committee and the Retail Committee, met with the French Agricultural Attaché Jean Lanotte. During the meeting, the companies discussed the issues of updating the veterinary legislation of Ukraine, namely the development of amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Veterinary Medicine”, harmonisation of procedures for monitoring of animal and poultry diseases, and registration of French veterinary medicines in Ukraine. They also touched upon the issue of changing the legislation on the circulation of milk and dairy products. The companies’ representatives thanked Jean Lanotte for France’s support of Ukraine and agreed to cooperate and continue the dialogue.

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