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Advocacy achievements of the week

19/ 02/ 2021
  Traditionally, the EBA ends the week with the release of the digest of good business news. We do not only criticize the authorities and conduct discussions with them. Surely, we also praise their good job when there are reasons for it 😉 And this week we have three reasons at once! Thus, progressive changes have taken place in the field of Electronic Payments, Grain&Oilseed, and Industrial Ecology. In brief: An open market for payment services may soon start operating in Ukraine   On February 19, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted in the first reading the draft Law of Ukraine № 4364 “On Payment Services” as a basis. The European Business Association has repeatedly stressed the expediency of adopting this draft law as soon as possible and introducing an open market for payment services. We hope that the open market of payment services will start working effectively already this year. The VRU Committee on Agrarian and Land Policy supported the abolition of the Grain Guarantee Fund At a recent meeting, the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Agrarian and Land Policy decided to recommend the draft Law №4592on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning the Activities of the Guarantee Fund for the Implementation of Obligations under Grain Storage Documents, submitted by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. as the Law. The grain business community calls on MPs to support the draft law. Active work on environmental draft laws continues This week there was a movement in legislative initiatives in the field of environmental protection. Thus, draft laws №4167 on industrial pollution control reform and №3091 on state environmental control were sent to the Committees for revision. . At the same time, draft laws №4346 on triple the increase of the environmental tax rate on CO2 emissions and №4347 on the establishment of a decarbonization fund were sent for revision by the Environmental Committee of the Verkhovna Rada. We hope that the EBA comments will be taken into account, and we will see a new version of these documents shortly. The EBA sincerely thanks the peoples deputies for working on important business initiatives and making progressive decisions!   Be the first to learn about the latest EBA news with our Telegram-channel – EBAUkraine.  

Traditionally, the EBA ends the week with the release of the digest of good business news. We do not only criticize the authorities and conduct discussions with them. Surely, we also praise their good job when there are reasons for it 😉 And this week we have three reasons at once! Thus, progressive changes have taken place in the field of Electronic Payments, Grain&Oilseed, and Industrial Ecology. In brief:

An open market for payment services may soon start operating in Ukraine 

 On February 19, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted in the first reading the draft Law of Ukraine № 4364 “On Payment Services” as a basis. The European Business Association has repeatedly stressed the expediency of adopting this draft law as soon as possible and introducing an open market for payment services. We hope that the open market of payment services will start working effectively already this year.

The VRU Committee on Agrarian and Land Policy supported the abolition of the Grain Guarantee Fund

At a recent meeting, the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Agrarian and Land Policy decided to recommend the draft Law №4592on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning the Activities of the Guarantee Fund for the Implementation of Obligations under Grain Storage Documents, submitted by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. as the Law. The grain business community calls on MPs to support the draft law.

Active work on environmental draft laws continues

This week there was a movement in legislative initiatives in the field of environmental protection. Thus, draft laws №4167 on industrial pollution control reform and №3091 on state environmental control were sent to the Committees for revision. . At the same time, draft laws №4346 on triple the increase of the environmental tax rate on CO2 emissions and №4347 on the establishment of a decarbonization fund were sent for revision by the Environmental Committee of the Verkhovna Rada. We hope that the EBA comments will be taken into account, and we will see a new version of these documents shortly.

The EBA sincerely thanks the people’s deputies for working on important business initiatives and making progressive decisions!


Be the first to learn about the latest EBA news with our Telegram-channel EBAUkraine.


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