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Advocacy achievements of the week

13/ 02/ 2021
  After a pile of good news last week, this one has seemed less productive in making positive decisions in favor of business. However, an important problem was still solved this week, which is relevant for the consumer electronics industry, as well as other companies engaged in international trade. It concerns unblocking the procedure for issuing licenses for the import/export of fluorinated greenhouse gases and goods containing them. The EBA welcomes the publication and adoption of the Order №55 of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources dated 29 January 2021, which provides a solution to the abovementioned problem. At the end of last year, the Government adopted the Resolution, which provided that for the import/export of fluorinated greenhouse gases or goods containing them, from January 1, 2021, it is necessary to obtain a license from the Ministry of Economy and obtains approval for the issuance of such a license by the Ministry of Environment. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Environment was not able to issue such approvals due to the lack of statutory form and procedure for issuing approvals This led to the suspension of all export-import operations with fluorinated greenhouse gases or goods containing, for example, air conditioners, heat pumps. The business community is grateful to all involved public authorities for a quick solution to this problem. Anna Derevyanko. EBA Executive Director. In fact, creating favorable conditions for business does not only cover strategic issues, although they are still important but also specific regulations, changes, documents, which the EBA takes care of in its daily work. This includes the uninterrupted issuance of permits, filling gaps in regulation, the search for conflicts and weaknesses, which are immediately felt in practice in the work of companies. That is why it is important to talk about all the small successes and victories that we manage to achieve together with government agencies and that make a life for business people a little easier.

After a pile of good news last week, this one has seemed less productive in making positive decisions in favor of business. However, an important problem was still solved this week, which is relevant for the consumer electronics industry, as well as other companies engaged in international trade. It concerns unblocking the procedure for issuing licenses for the import/export of fluorinated greenhouse gases and goods containing them.

The EBA welcomes the publication and adoption of the Order №55 of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources dated 29 January 2021, which provides a solution to the abovementioned problem. At the end of last year, the Government adopted the Resolution, which provided that for the import/export of fluorinated greenhouse gases or goods containing them, from January 1, 2021, it is necessary to obtain a license from the Ministry of Economy and obtains approval for the issuance of such a license by the Ministry of Environment. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Environment was not able to issue such approvals due to the lack of statutory form and procedure for issuing approvals

This led to the suspension of all export-import operations with fluorinated greenhouse gases or goods containing, for example, air conditioners, heat pumps. The business community is grateful to all involved public authorities for a quick solution to this problem.

Anna Derevyanko EBA Executive Director
In fact, creating favorable conditions for business does not only cover strategic issues, although they are still important but also specific regulations, changes, documents, which the EBA takes care of in its daily work. This includes the uninterrupted issuance of permits, filling gaps in regulation, the search for conflicts and weaknesses, which are immediately felt in practice in the work of companies. That is why it is important to talk about all the small successes and victories that we manage to achieve together with government agencies and that make a life for business people a little easier.

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