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EBA General Meeting with Nina Yuzhanina

12/ 03/ 2018
    The EBA experts met with Nina Yuzhanina, Head of the VRU Committee on Tax and Customs Policy, to discuss the Draft Law On the National Bureau of Financial Security. At the end of last year we had a general discussion with Ms. Yuzhanina of a new agency’s concept, and this time we discussed the text of the draft law very specifically. For more than two hours, a detailed discussion of certain provisions of the draft law was ongoing, during which the companies were able to voice out their comments to the document. All EBA proposals will be consolidated in one letter and sent to the authors of the draft law.


The EBA experts met with Nina Yuzhanina, Head of the VRU Committee on Tax and Customs Policy, to discuss the Draft Law “On the National Bureau of Financial Security”. At the end of last year we had a general discussion with Ms. Yuzhanina of a new agency’s concept, and this time we discussed the text of the draft law very specifically.

For more than two hours, a detailed discussion of certain provisions of the draft law was ongoing, during which the companies were able to voice out their comments to the document. All EBA proposals will be consolidated in one letter and sent to the authors of the draft law.

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