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Ukraine may be left without chicken meat shortly

09/ 03/ 2021
  On February 17, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine issued an Order amending the maximum residue levels of veterinary drugs in foodstuffs of animal origin. The document proposes to bring the safety of poultry meat in line with European standards. This is primarily due to changes in feed safety and hygiene legislation. The project concerns the authorization of the use of therapeutic feed additives for preventing coccidiosis. Without the proper prevention, this disease may lead to the death of 80-90% of all young birds. According to the companies, the draft order has already been approved by the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture, as well as the State Service for Food Safety and Consumer Protection. However, as it became known, the State Regulatory Service, whose task is to implement the state regulatory policy, the policy on supervision (control) in the field of economic activity is preparing a draft refusal to this order. The non-approval of this normative act will lead, in fact, to a ban on the sale of poultry meat both on the territory of Ukraine and abroad. After all, food products that are prohibited for domestic consumption are also prohibited for export. The European Business Association has already sent a letter to the Ministry of Health and the State Regulatory Service asking them to support the proposed changes and to prevent a ban on the use of feed additives for poultry in Ukraine. It should be noted that poultry is one of the most available types of meat and is a social product. Thus, according to the official data of the State Statistics Service, in 2019, the consumption of meat per person in Ukraine amounts to 53.6 kg, of which poultry meat was 26 kg or 49%. At the same time, these feed additives are not harmful to humans (including those used in European countries), however, they are very important for raising poultry and are used throughout its life cycle up to 2-3 days before slaughter. However, this situation can lead to a loss in the total number of poultry, which in turn can lead to a sharp and uncontrolled rise in prices for this category of products. So, we hope the voice of business will be heard!   Be the first to learn about the latest EBA news with our Telegram-channel – EBAUkraine.  

On February 17, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine issued an Order amending the maximum residue levels of veterinary drugs in foodstuffs of animal origin.

The document proposes to bring the safety of poultry meat in line with European standards. This is primarily due to changes in feed safety and hygiene legislation. The project concerns the authorization of the use of therapeutic feed additives for preventing coccidiosis. Without the proper prevention, this disease may lead to the death of 80-90% of all young birds.

According to the companies, the draft order has already been approved by the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture, as well as the State Service for Food Safety and Consumer Protection. However, as it became known, the State Regulatory Service, whose task is to implement the state regulatory policy, the policy on supervision (control) in the field of economic activity is preparing a draft refusal to this order. The non-approval of this normative act will lead, in fact, to a ban on the sale of poultry meat both on the territory of Ukraine and abroad. After all, food products that are prohibited for domestic consumption are also prohibited for export.

The European Business Association has already sent a letter to the Ministry of Health and the State Regulatory Service asking them to support the proposed changes and to prevent a ban on the use of feed additives for poultry in Ukraine.

It should be noted that poultry is one of the most available types of meat and is a social product. Thus, according to the official data of the State Statistics Service, in 2019, the consumption of meat per person in Ukraine amounts to 53.6 kg, of which poultry meat was 26 kg or 49%. At the same time, these feed additives are not harmful to humans (including those used in European countries), however, they are very important for raising poultry and are used throughout its life cycle up to 2-3 days before slaughter.

However, this situation can lead to a loss in the total number of poultry, which in turn can lead to a sharp and uncontrolled rise in prices for this category of products. So, we hope the voice of business will be heard!


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