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EBA Tax-Financial Committee in Kharkiv

29/ 01/ 2021
  During the first meeting in 2021 of the Tax-Financial Committee the following issues were considered: 1) changes in the Tax Code of Ukraine in 2021 2) General Tax Clarifications 3) digest of case law on transfer pricing 4) jurisdictions for IT business relocation 5) tips on preparing for tax audits 6) overview of tax regimes by countries (Bulgaria and China), etc. We are sincerely grateful to our speakers from Crowe Mikhailenko Vitaliy Smerdov and Konyul Hasanova for up-to-date information and thankful to Telesens IT for the warm hosting. Location Partner

During the first meeting in 2021 of the Tax-Financial Committee the following issues were considered:

1) changes in the Tax Code of Ukraine in 2021
2) General Tax Clarifications
3) digest of case law on transfer pricing
4) jurisdictions for IT business relocation
5) tips on preparing for tax audits
6) overview of tax regimes by countries (Bulgaria and China), etc.

We are sincerely grateful to our speakers from Crowe Mikhailenko Vitaliy Smerdov and Konyul Hasanova for up-to-date information and thankful to Telesens IT for the warm hosting.

Location Partner


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