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EBA Lviv Tax Committee meeting

02/ 03/ 2021
  The Association Tax Committee meeting was held on Changes to the Procedure for calculating an average monthly salary No. 100 on Mach 2nd. The main changes concerning the mentioned Procedure: The adjustment factor is no longer applied; The procedure also applies to individual entrepreneurs; The list of payments is specified; The procedure for including bonuses has been changed; Taking into account the full calendar month in which the employee was hired, when calculating even if he was hired not from the first day of the month. Main issues: The biggest difficulty in the calculations is to calculate the leave on the average salary with a link to the bonuses paid to the period for which such bonuses are accrued. With annual bonuses, accountants must transfer the next years vacation for the entire previous year in the case of payment of bonuses for performance. We thank the speakers: Oleg Lyman - Corporate Compliance Management Services and Outsourcing Practice Manager, KPMG and Olga Galechko - Corporate Compliance Management Services and Outsourcing Practice Consultant, KPMG for a detailed explanation with examples, and Ihor Pihurko for moderation! You can get acquainted with the meeting record by sending a request to [email protected].

The Association Tax Committee meeting was held on Changes to the Procedure for calculating an average monthly salary No. 100 on Mach 2nd.

The main changes concerning the mentioned Procedure:

  • The adjustment factor is no longer applied;
  • The procedure also applies to individual entrepreneurs;
  • The list of payments is specified;
  • The procedure for including bonuses has been changed;
  • Taking into account the full calendar month in which the employee was hired, when calculating even if he was hired not from the first day of the month.

Main issues:

  • The biggest difficulty in the calculations is to calculate the leave on the average salary with a link to the bonuses paid to the period for which such bonuses are accrued.
  • With annual bonuses, accountants must transfer the next year’s vacation for the entire previous year in the case of payment of bonuses for performance.

We thank the speakers: Oleg Lyman – Corporate Compliance Management Services and Outsourcing Practice Manager, KPMG and Olga Galechko – Corporate Compliance Management Services and Outsourcing Practice Consultant, KPMG for a detailed explanation with examples, and Ihor Pihurko for moderation!

You can get acquainted with the meeting record by sending a request to [email protected].

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