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Програма розвитку з юридичної англійської

12/ 12/ 2019
    Legal case studies, communication strategies, meeting skills, negotiations and networking English: all these elements you could find at the Legal English Development Programme which has successfully started this Thursday and proved the aim to help participants understand the peculiarities of using English as the language of law through instruction and practice. Great thanks to the talented trainers for professionalism and developing friendly and creative atmosphere and special thanks to Universe Center LLC for productive cooperation!


Legal case studies, communication strategies, meeting skills, negotiations and networking English: all these elements you could find at the Legal English Development Programme which has successfully started this Thursday and proved the aim to help participants understand the peculiarities of using English as the language of law through instruction and practice.

Great thanks to the talented trainers for professionalism and developing friendly and creative atmosphere and special thanks to Universe Center LLC for productive cooperation!

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