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PMD Pre-MBA Integrative Project Presentations

15/ 12/ 2018
    Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success. Edward Everett Hale Last Saturday our fascinating PMD Pre-MBA journey, which started in March, 2018, came to its logical end. The participants presented Intergative Group Projects to the panel of evaluators.  Great ideas, inspiring speeches, deep analyses, thought provoking questions and precise answers created a positive and productive business atmosphere. Thank you to the participants for their work during the programme, wonderful final projects and the panel of evaluators for their professional assessment: Yuliya Melnyk, Deputy Director, Corporate Development, European Business Association, Iaroslava Sakhno, Head of Compliance, European Business Association, Andrij Bublyk, Public Affairs and Communications Director of Coca-Cola HBC Ukraine & Moldova, Tetyana Novytska, FCCA, Chief Operations Officer, Private Equity at Dragon Capital, Pavlo Ryzhiy, Innovation Manager, Philip Morris Ukraine Caucuses and Moldova. Thank you to Баланс Бизнес Букс for partnership and nice presents to the participants! Special thanks to the programme partners: CITY College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, Japan Tobacco International (JTI Careers Ukraine), Radisson Blu Hotel, Kyiv Podil, Реприза. Look forward to the new season of the programme in March, 2019. 🌿


Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.
Edward Everett Hale

Last Saturday our fascinating PMD Pre-MBA journey, which started in March, 2018, came to its logical end. The participants presented Intergative Group Projects to the panel of evaluators. 

Great ideas, inspiring speeches, deep analyses, thought provoking questions and precise answers created a positive and productive business atmosphere.

Thank you to the participants for their work during the programme, wonderful final projects and the panel of evaluators for their professional assessment: Yuliya Melnyk, Deputy Director, Corporate Development, European Business Association, Iaroslava Sakhno, Head of Compliance, European Business Association, Andrij Bublyk, Public Affairs and Communications Director of Coca-Cola HBC Ukraine & Moldova, Tetyana Novytska, FCCA, Chief Operations Officer, Private Equity at Dragon Capital, Pavlo Ryzhiy, Innovation Manager, Philip Morris Ukraine Caucuses and Moldova.

Thank you to Баланс Бизнес Букс for partnership and nice presents to the participants! Special thanks to the programme partners: CITY College, International Faculty of the University of SheffieldJapan Tobacco International (JTI Careers Ukraine), Radisson Blu Hotel, Kyiv PodilРеприза.

Look forward to the new season of the programme in March, 2019. 🌿

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