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Neuromanagement on Board

03/ 10/ 2018
    The world of business has become increasingly complex and competitive. Every organization faces challenges ranging from how to manage and engage multiple generations at once, to dealing with the far-reaching impact of the digital revolution.  During the development programme NeuroManagement on Board Dr. Alexandros Psichogios, Professor of Leadership & International HRM in Birmingham City Business School at the Birmingham City University (UK), and Dr. Jon Gruda, an Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior and Leadership at Maynooth University School of Business (Ireland), explained leaders should manage this type of complexity and thrive, showed why our current management practices are so often self-defeating and demonstrated new, more effective approaches that leverage how the mind actually works. We would like to extend our sincerest thanks and appreciation to Dr. Alexandros Psichogios and Dr. Jon Gruda for profound analysis and invaluable experience! Special thanks to our partners: Birmingham City Business School, Maynooth University - International, Mind It, Radisson Blu Hotel, Kyiv Podil, Mind. UA.


The world of business has become increasingly complex and competitive. Every organization faces challenges ranging from how to manage and engage multiple generations at once, to dealing with the far-reaching impact of the digital revolution. 

During the development programme NeuroManagement on Board Dr. Alexandros Psichogios, Professor of Leadership & International HRM in Birmingham City Business School at the Birmingham City University (UK), and Dr. Jon Gruda, an Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior and Leadership at Maynooth University School of Business (Ireland), explained leaders should manage this type of complexity and thrive, showed why our current management practices are so often self-defeating and demonstrated new, more effective approaches that leverage how the mind actually works.

We would like to extend our sincerest thanks and appreciation to Dr. Alexandros Psichogios and Dr. Jon Gruda for profound analysis and invaluable experience! Special thanks to our partners: Birmingham City Business School, Maynooth University – International, Mind It, Radisson Blu Hotel, Kyiv Podil, Mind. UA.

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