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CMS Investing and Doing Business in Ukraine guide

05/ 10/ 2020
  Knowing the growing interest from potential investors, CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olwang Ukraine has prepared the Investing and Doing Business in Ukraine guide created in collaboration with the UBN. The guide covers more than 25 sectors and provides analyses and overview of Ukrainian legislation and procedures, and describes the methods of how different sectors operate in Ukraine. If you would like to receive the full version of the Investing and Doing Business in Ukraine 2020 guide, please fill out the form here: https://bit.ly/2FIcKty CMS is the 5th largest law firm in the world, and one of the leading law firms in Ukraine. CMS frequently advises on some of the highest profile matters in the country, and we have a full service offering across all practice areas required by investors and businesses.

Knowing the growing interest from potential investors, CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olwang Ukraine has prepared the Investing and Doing Business in Ukraine guide created in collaboration with the UBN. The guide covers more than 25 sectors and provides analyses and overview of Ukrainian legislation and procedures, and describes the methods of how different sectors operate in Ukraine.

If you would like to receive the full version of the Investing and Doing Business in Ukraine 2020 guide, please fill out the form here: https://bit.ly/2FIcKty

CMS is the 5th largest law firm in the world, and one of the leading law firms in Ukraine. CMS frequently advises on some of the highest profile matters in the country, and we have a full service offering across all practice areas required by investors and businesses.

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