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3Mgives International Grant

10/ 08/ 2020
  3M is committed to building and enhancing vibrant, diverse and strong communities.  We invest in nonprofit organizations whose goals are to improve standards of living in communities across the globe.  In our communities, we strive to support initiatives that promote youth development and provide access to basic needs, especially in underserved and/or under-resourced populations.  What types of projects are eligible? We are seeking programs and organizations that can help advance equitable outcomes for underrepresented and under-resourced areas.   Our goal is to identify programs that build inclusiveness, diversity, and enhance opportunity for the economically disadvantaged in our communities.  To receive a Community grant, nominations should align to one of the following pillars: Youth Development – Prepare under-resourced youth for success by enhancing access to evidence-based development programs Basic Needs - Improve standards of living for all people, especially underserved populations, through investments at the local level What are the grant and eligibility guidelines? Organization should be a new partner, a new program or expansion of an existing program Grant range: $10,000 – $50,000  Grant must be used within 12 months of the time of payment Must be a non-profit or non-governmental organization and in compliance with local country laws and regulations  Funds can only be used for project or program type proposals How will the organizations be selected? Organizations will be selected on a competitive basis and based on the following selection criteria: Ability of the organization to advance equity in their communities or address needs of underrepresented/under-resourced populations  Clear explanation of how funds will be used Clear alignment of project goals to purpose of organization Opportunity to engage 3M employees and/or community volunteers Please submit your organization/project by August 14. We look forward to receiving your applications!  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Daryna Pavlyshynets [email protected] +380671295732

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