Platform rules
About the Second Chance Bank
General information
Second Chance Bank is a project inspired by Bea Johnson's book – "Zero Waste Home". It all started with an idea in May 2021 and our first communications with the EBA members about this initiative. We at the European Business Association focused on our strength – a powerful business community that is ready for new experiments and challenges. And we bet it right 😀
The Project is socially oriented and aims to develop a culture of reusing things and a conscious attitude toward our planet. This platform is an online reuse center. If we talk about our ambitious goal, then it is our way of contributing to sustainable business development and creating a convenient and easy-to-use platform where things will get a "second life" and benefit those who need them.
Obtaining items published on the platform for their further resale (including on any platforms and marketplaces) is not acceptable and contradicts the objectives and mission of the Project.
The European Business Association (EBA) is the owner and administrator of the platform. If you have any questions regarding the Project and the tools aimed at its implementation, you can contact our Care Project Coordinator Yuliana Tsvietkova ([email protected]).
Founders of the Project
The EBA business community is a powerful driver of change for the better in our country. And we have many examples among our members who, through their approaches, practices, and example, inspire both us and their partners to become better versions of ourselves.
This Project is not an exception and has powerful founders at its origins who care about the environment and are aware of the seriousness of the challenges posed by the environmental situation in the country and the world.
You can meet our initiators in the section SCB Heroes
Project mission
- Waste less. What has lost value for some may be a treasure for others. The fact is that many things we throw away often still can be of use. We just need to realize this.
- Reuse more. This is an effective way to extend the life cycle of things and reduce energy waste, resource extraction, and waste generation and prevent pollution of our planet.
- Care about the future. A sustainable future and a better life are firstly about profound changes in the way everyone thinks, as well as transformations in consumption and production patterns. Just imagine, over the past 20 years, each of us has become about 80% more likely to buy and throw away things.
Project objectives
Motivation. When you understand that it is easy to give away unnecessary things, it will be possible to form the habit of "giving" and "not throwing away" in a few clicks. Besides, you will be able to receive digital awards for your achievements in completing the tasks, which we will inform SCB Digest subscribers about. We strongly believe that it will be a fascinating and eco-friendly experience.
Creating a zero-waste culture. We want this Project to inspire you and make you fall in love with a waste-free lifestyle. Therefore, we will expand the knowledge of our users in all areas of the 9Rs of conscious consumption (Refuse, Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Refurbish, Remanufacture, Repurpose, Recycle, Recover).
Scaling. We are convinced that big goals can be achieved by small steps of a large community of like-minded people. Therefore, we want to expand the network of donors and recipients of this platform.
Our values
We are open to new ideas and decisive steps towards a responsible approach to the environment.
We are experimenters and doers, and for us, there are no unsuccessful solutions. There are solutions that should be rejected to move on.
We are bold because we have the inspiration and ambition to seek solutions that address climate change both at the legislative and practical levels.
We are caring, so we will expand the network of users of the platform, thereby scaling up the positive effect for various groups of people who need help and support. This is caring for ourselves, our environment, and our planet.
Who can join the Project?
The EBA member companies. Our business community is growing every year, so we greatly rely on the support and active participation of the EBA family members.
Social organizations. We understand that there are a number of organizations that have taken on important tasks and a mission to help and develop various groups of the population. Charitable organizations, foundations, orphanages, hospitals, libraries, etc., we take our hats off to you and appreciate what you do. We look forward to your interest in extending the life cycle of the offered items on the Second Chance Bank platform.
Participants of the UNLIMIT Ukraine project. We are proud of this community, which already has over 5 000 participants. Inspired by young entrepreneurs with ambitious goals to develop their businesses in Ukraine, we hope this initiative will bring additional opportunities for you.
Anyone who shares the mission and objectives of the Second Chance Bank project.
You are welcome to get involved – give a second chance to your things because they are worth it!
Rules for using the platform
Status of the Second Chance Bank and the Role of the European Business Association
This platform is one of the main tools for implementing the EBA’s project “Second Chance Bank”, where the following announcements can be posted:
- items that have been in use and are given a chance for a second life
- items that are needed, and it will be faster and easier to find them together
Access to the platform is free of charge, and the Second Chance Bank project is implemented by the EBA as a part of its statutory activities without the purpose of making a profit. The EBA does not receive any remuneration (financial or non-financial) for users placing announcements on the Second Chance Bank platform, nor does it receive any remuneration as a result of the successful closure of an announcement when items find their new users.
The EBA is the administrator and owner of the Second Chance Bank platform. As the administrator, we can carry out the following:
- Moderation of announcements created by users for publication on the platform. Why is it important? To make sure that the information provided is sufficient for potential recipients to make a decision.
- Moderation of requests for a lot when a user expresses a desire to pick it up. Why is it important? To ensure that such requests meet the requirements set out in the Platform Terms of Use.
- Banning users who violate the Platform Terms of Use or compromise the Project's objectives and mission through their actions.
This platform does not provide for the following:
- obtaining items published on it for their further resale, including on any platforms and marketplaces
- publishing announcements for commercial sale of the product line of the respective user
Please familiarize yourself with the EBA Code of Conduct, the principles of which we will apply to the platform users. Specifically, platform users shall:
- maintain professional behavior in their interactions with each other and any external contractors. It means that posting items obtained illegally or as a result of unethical behavior on the platform is unacceptable
- respect and not violate property rights. It means that the platform should host items that the user has the right to dispose of, i.e., determine their further fate
- respect intellectual property rights. Therefore, for example, when posting photos of items, make sure you have the right to do so
- refrain from actions that may damage the reputation of the EBA or users of the platform, or compromise the goals and objectives of the Project
- maintain a respectful and polite tone of communication both with representatives of the EBA and between users
- do not take any actions using the platform that may lead to concerted actions and restrict competition
The EBA does not own the items published on the platform by users and does not store, pack, or deliver them. We cannot guarantee that their appearance, condition, quantity, etc., indicated by users in the announcements, correspond to the actual characteristics of such items and the terms of their transfer. However, in case of unethical behavior of users or the detection of false information, or receipt of complaints from other users of the platform, the EBA reserves the right to investigate such situations and, for example, block/delete the announcement/profile of the person concerned.
Publications on the Second Chance Bank website, including text, graphics, photos, and videos, are the objects of intellectual property rights of the EBA or authorized users or third parties. Without the written consent of the relevant authorized persons, the use of such content available on the Second Chance Bank website, including the processing of information, its aggregation, transfer to third parties, distribution on other websites, etc. is prohibited.
Usage of the Second Chance Bank logo or EBA logo without the EBA's consent is prohibited.
The EBA is not obliged to participate in communication between the users of the platform, and therefore shall not be liable for the actual compliance of the platform users with the requirements of professional ethics, antimonopolylegislation, and other provisions of the current legislation of Ukraine applicable to individuals (or companies they represent) interacting with each other.
In the case of reaching an agreement on transferring items, information about which is published on the platform, users independently determine the peculiarities of legal and accounting formalities of conducting such transfer according to requirements of the applicable legislation. The EBA is not a party to any contractual relations that may arise and does not provide and/or carry out delivery and packaging either independently or with the involvement of third parties that provides packaging, and transportation services for the transfer of items between participants.
The EBA reserves the right to periodically review, supplement and amend these Platform Terms of Use. We ask you to monitor such updates in the Second Chance Bank section on the EBA website on our own. However, we understand that this may not always be convenient, so we will inform users who have subscribed to receive periodic digests of the Project by electronic means. The updated version of the Terms will come into force on the day following the day of their publication unless another date is determined by the EBA.
Categories of platform users
The Second Chance Bank platform website is accessible to all internet users.
The platform has three standard categories of users:
- Visitors are users who just familiarize themselves with the content published on the platform and do not take any active actions.
- Donors are users who publish announcements on the platform regarding items they want to "give a second chance".
- Recipients are users who are interested in obtaining items to achieve their goals or who create announcements for items they need.
Thus, donors and recipients are active users of the platform who can create announcements and make requests for lots.
Types of announcements
2 types of announcements can be created on the platform:
- announcement about a lot – publications that contain items that the donor would like to give away under the terms and conditions specified by him i.e. to continue the cycle of useful use of such items
- wanted items announcements are request publications in which the recipient indicates what the need is and for what purposes the initiative is being carried out. For example, when there is a need to prepare schoolchildren from an orphanage for school and a set of notebooks, pens, diaries, etc. is needed. In this case, it is clear for whom and for what purposes this is being done.
Any authorized user may create announcements. Thus, a person who has a personal account on the EBA website and, most importantly, remembers his or her login and password 😊.
Representatives of the EBA member companies who have their personal accounts on the EBA website, do not need to create new (additional) accounts. It is sufficient to simply enter your login and password and go to the Second Chance Bank page. So, if this applies to you, and you are ready to become an active ambassador of reuse, then go ahead and follow this link.
If an employee of the EBA member company does not have a personal account on the EBA website yet, it can be created in just a few clicks by choosing the "Register" button (here is the link for your convenience). By the way, there is no need for this category of persons to create any other accounts on the EBA website. This is your super account, where you can find everything from Second Chance Bank functionality to subscriptions to EBA newsletters and a calendar of events chosen by you. |
Representatives of a company/organization that is not an EBA member may also create their personal accounts for the purpose of using the Second Chance Bank section. To do this, click the "Login" button, then "Register" and fill out the "Become SCB Participant" feedback form. After processing such a request for the creation of a personal account, we will inform you of the result. Please note that the functionality of such an account will be limited to the Second Chance Bank page. If your company is interested in joining the EBA and would like to take advantage of other membership benefits, this is the link to follow. |
The EBA reserves the right to refuse the registration of a personal account for the purposes of using the Second Chance Bank platform for its reasons and is not obliged to explain the reason for such refusal.
Step-by-step guide on how to create an announcement
1) Click on the "Create announcement" button
Most likely, you have already decided what you would like to offer on this platform. We strongly rely on the fact that you have also familiarized yourself with these Terms to understand the purposes and capabilities of the Second Chance Bank platform.
To create an announcement, it is necessary to be authorized in your personal account or, in case of its absence – to create such an account, as described above.
2) Choose the type of an announcement
If you plan to give something away, this is an offer announcement. This announcement type is available by default. Here are the following categories of items that can be posted: furniture, office equipment, household appliances, stationery, building materials, etc.
If you need some items, then change the announcement type to a wanted items announcement.
Please note that when it comes to charitable donations, the EBA and/or users who donate items to charity or wish to support your organization’s initiative may request a package of documents for their reporting purposes. Here is an approximate list:
- Registration documents (extract from the United State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Organizations, certificate of non-profit status)
- Charter
- Order on the appointment of the director (CEO)
- An official letter (with a number and date) requesting charitable assistance
- Financial and tax reports
- Photo report of the proper use of the assistance
If the wanted items announcement involves fundraising for the purchase of certain items, then in addition to the documents listed above, the EBA and/or users who wish to provide such financial assistance reserve the right to request documents confirming the purchase of the relevant items (such as invoices, bank statements, consignment notes with a list of the names of items purchased), as well as, if applicable to the relevant need, documents on their subsequent transfer to those for whom the purchase was made (such as an act of acceptance-transfer of charitable assistance in kind).
The EBA does not undertake the procurement or transfer of any items, the announcement for which is created by platform users, and is not liable for the intended use of both funds raised to meet a particular need and in-kind donations. However, in case of detection of cases of dishonest behavior from persons posting announcements on the platform, the EBA has the right to block the accounts of such users and publicly expose the facts of the detected abuse.
The EBA does not post wanted items announcements on its behalf as a legal entity that involves fundraising.
3) Fill out the announcement form
Any announcement must contain truthful and non-misleading information. So, for example, if an item has certain defects (which is normal since it is mainly about used items) or peculiarities (such as a laptop without the software), then this must be indicated in the description. Or, if in the announcement about the wanted items it is declared that certain goals are to be achieved through the collection of wanted items, these goals should be realistically attainable, as, for example, it is normal practice to provide a report on the proper use of the assistance.
Please feel free to fill in the announcement fields and follow the suggested prompts, we have tried to simplify this process for your convenience.
If you want to post an offer announcement, take photos of the items you want to give away. Let it be their best photoshoot so that people will definitely want to pick them up 😀
Photos of the items shall correspond to the reality and description of the announcement. They should show the offered item. It doesn’t matter if the items are not perfect since everyone understands that the vast majority of items posted on this platform have been in use.
What is not allowed to do:
- Posting photos that are NOT relevant to the essence of the announcement (including stock photos of products usually posted by stores);
- Uploading explicit, frightening, or aesthetically unacceptable photos.
Information about lots on this platform can be posted exclusively by their legitimate owners or persons who have the right to dispose of them or offer them for sale.
Please mention the terms and conditions under which the lot may be given away. The offered items may be transferred free of charge or for a fee determined by the donor. Paying a fee? This is probably the question you have now. Let us explain. Not all items can be donated by companies for free. This may be due to the peculiarities of the accounting of each particular company and, for example, the depreciation of the relevant assets on the balance sheet of a legal entity. We apologize for this complicated sentence, but there is no other way to explain this nuance 😀
4) Send for moderation
Moderation is carried out by the EBA team. We reserve the right to refuse to publish an announcement if we conclude that it does not comply with these Terms or does not pursue the mission or objectives of the Project.
After successful moderation, your announcement will be published, and other users will be able to interact with it (more about this below).
The moderation period is not standardized, but we will do our best to process requests as soon as possible.
Registered (authorized) users can both post announcements for offers and/or needs and make requests to obtain lots they would like to give a second chance. So, users with accounts have superpowers 😀.
Through the personal account, the author of the announcement can view, edit, or delete their announcements.
Since the user places an announcement on the Second Chance Bank platform, by taking active steps, we understand that he or she gives the EBA the right to use the provided content on the website
How to interact with an offer announcement?
To express an intention to pick up a particular lot, it is not required to have a personal cabinet on the EBA website, just use the "I give a second chance" button. It is worth reminding that the purpose of the Project is the reuse of items, extending their lifecycle. Reselling the received items by recipients, including on any platforms or marketplaces, is unacceptable.
Here is a step-by-step guide:
- Find announcements that can meet your needs and contribute to the achievement of your goals and click on the "I give a second chance" button. Pay attention to the location of the lots, their condition, and the conditions under which they are given away.
- Fill out the lot request form. Follow the prompts that we have provided for you within the request form.
- Send it for moderation. Lot requests are verified by the EBA team. What do we pay attention to? The completeness and truthfulness of the information, the compliance of the request with the requirements established by the Terms, and with the purposes for which you are interested in the offered items.
As the platform administrator, the EBA reserves the right to reject your request at its discretion and is not obliged to explain the reasons for such a decision. We can also recommend how to improve your request for a lot so that the information is sufficient to transmit such a request to the author of the announcement.
The moderation period is not standardized, but we will do our best to process the requests as soon as possible.
- Consideration of a request for a lot by donors. After successful moderation, your lot request will be forwarded to the author of the announcement. The donor decides independently and is not obliged to inform the EBA about the communication process with the potential recipient.
Please note that a lot, for which your request has successfully passed our moderation, receives the status "Reserved". It means that other platform users will not be able to submit new requests for such a lot.
The result of the donor's consideration of the lot request can be the following:
- Reject the lot request without explaining the reason.
- Give the lot completely. For example, if the announcement was comprehensive and included a combination of furniture/appliances, etc., and the recipient wants to reuse all the offered items.
- Give the lot partially. In this case, not all the items presented in the announcement have found their recipient. However, this is not a problem because what remains will still be in the "game". Thus, new recipients will be able to make requests regarding such an updated announcement. It is important for the author of the announcement to update it to reflect the correct information.
Actions regarding lot requests are performed by donors through the functionality of the personal cabinet in the Second Chance Bank section. Depending on the stage of processing of the lot request, the donor (author of the announcement) should change the status of such a request (reject | fully given | partially given). Why is this important? There are the following reasons:
- By rejecting the request, the donor returns its announcement "to the game" since it remains "Reserved" until this action.
- By giving completely, this announcement will disappear from the platform's main page and appear in the donor's Success Cases section, where the effectiveness of publications can be tracked.
- By giving partially, the donor also returns its updated announcement "to the game", and it will be waiting for its recipient, to whom the offered items in a reduced quantity from the original announcement may come in handy.
How to interact with a need announcement?
Please note that only authorized users, meaning individuals who have a personal cabinet on the EBA website, can create wanted items announcements.
Wanted items announcements are posted in the form of a bulletin board. Here, the platform users can familiarize themselves with:
- The description of the needs
- Additional information that may be useful for understanding the organization's/company's tasks, goals, and the relevant initiative for which the search for specific items is being conducted
The EBA will accumulate such announcements in periodic digests to draw the attention of EBA member companies and persons who have subscribed to receive such newsletters.
If you would like to respond to a particular wanted item announcement, you should reach the contact person indicated in the relevant announcement. Such contact information is available only for authorized users.
Requirements for things that can be published
The platform primarily features announcements for used items that are no longer needed by their current owners. Lots are divided into two types: personal lots, which are directly owned by the author of the announcement, and corporate lots, which are owned by a legal entity. However, regardless of the type of items, they must fall under the following categories, to which a second chance can be given on the platform:
- Furniture
- Office equipment
- Household appliances
- Electronics
- Tableware
- Stationery
- Building materials
- Vehicles
- Workwear
These categories may be changed (supplemented, detailed) from time to time at the discretion of the EBA.
Certain items are prohibited from being listed on the platform, including but not limited to:
- Items originally intended by the donor for commercial sale
- Expired food products; medicines (including psychotropic substances), biologically active additives, alternative medicine items, and remedies, single-use medical devices, etc.
- Personal and intimate hygiene products
- Alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, raw tobacco, e-cigarette liquids
- Any weapon, including cold steel and throwing weapons, including components, ammunition, accessories to such weapons, military materials and equipment, as well as gas sprayers, including pepper sprays, regardless of whether their use is restricted by law or not
- Chemicals, explosive substances, and pyrotechnics
- Waste
- Archaeological monuments, cultural heritage objects
- Biological material, human tissues, transplantable objects, etc.
- Animals, insects
- Items obtained illegally (e.g., as a result of fraud, theft, robbery, misappropriation, or other criminal or administrative offenses)
- Objects of sexual, erotic, or pornographic content
- Counterfeit goods, i.e., goods that are labeled in a way that may mislead as to the origin, quantity, quality, components, manufacturing method, suitability, applicability, repair, servicing, or other essential characteristics of the goods
- Items withdrawn from civilian circulation and restricted items
- Objects that incite hatred, for example, based on national, ethnic, racial, religious, or non-religious differences, etc., including items depicting Nazi or communist symbolism, the symbolism of the military invasion of the russian Nazi totalitarian regime in Ukraine (particularly, Latin letters "Z", "V").
Announcements containing items from the list of prohibited items will be removed by the EBA.
The main requirement for items that can be posted on the platform is that their condition will allow the new owner to reuse them, thereby will extend the lifecycle of such objects. It is not excluded that such items may have certain flaws/defects that will need to be eliminated by the recipient, and it is important to indicate them in the announcements.
There are no requirements for the age of the items.
The EBA reserves the right to modify and supplement the lists of prohibited categories of items/brands/manufacturers/trademarks at its discretion, without the need for consent or prior notice to platform users.
Rules of communication on the platform
It is important for us that the communication that takes place on the platform between all users and representatives of the EBA is polite and appropriate.
Let's adhere to three simple rules:
- Respect for each other. That is why any insults, swearing, discriminatory or aggressive appeals, and vulgar or obscene texts are not allowed.
- Specificity and conciseness. It is important to focus on the result. The offered lots are very eager to be useful to their new owners and wanted item announcements often have deadlines that are important to meet.
- Honesty is the key to success. During communication, the information exchanged by users should be truthful, correct, and not misleading. This approach also applies to documents that may be exchanged between parties.
The EBA does not interfere in correspondence and oral communication between the donor and the recipient and does not act as a party to oral or written agreements between the parties, so it cannot be liable for compliance with the applicable legislative requirements by the parties within the framework of their relationships.
Measures of influence
In case of justified complaints from users regarding announcements and/or behavior of other users on the Second Chance Bank platform, the EBA reserves the right to implement the following measures:
- To send a warning notice if the complaint is a single one.
- To remove the announcement if its content has become unacceptable and/or does not comply with these Rules and the purposes of the Project.
- Temporarily or permanently to block, without prior notice, the account of a user who violates the Rules or whose announcement or behavior is systematically (meaning more than once) complained about.
After such blocking, the user’s announcements will become unavailable for viewing and further interaction with them by other users.
Notification about blocking is sent to the user’s email address specified in the relevant personal cabinet. The notification shall indicate the reasons for the blocking and may indicate the steps to be taken to restore the personal cabinet.
The EBA determines the duration of the account blocking at its discretion.
If an announcement violates the legislation, it will be removed whereas the profile of its author will be blocked.
Terms of delivery and payment for lots
The EBA does not establish unified or standardized rules for the payment and delivery of lots posted on the platform. The relevant terms are the result of negotiations and agreements between donors and recipients.
Please note that not all items are given away free of charge. The conditions for giving items are determined by the donors themselves, considering their internal procedures, rules, and the applicable requirements of the legislation.
The EBA does not carry out or ensure the packaging and/or transportation of items given from the donor to the recipient.
Processing of personal data
Personal data is processed in accordance with the EBA Privacy Policy. Here are some details that will help you dive into the topic.
What personal data may be processed when using the Second Chance Bank platform?
- Last name, first name, and patronymic (if applicable)
- Email address
- Contact phone number
- Position held by the owner of the personal cabinet
For what purposes is this personal data processed?
- To enable users of the Second Chance Bank platform to contact each other. For example, when a user (recipient) makes a request for a lot, his or her contact information is indicated in the feedback form and is sent to the author of the announcement after positive moderation. The author (donor), in turn, may contact the potential recipient to coordinate the details of the interaction.
Or, for example, in case a user wants to support a wanted item announcement and needs more details, he or she may contact the contact person indicated in such an announcement.
- To allow the EBA to contact the users of the platform.
For example, as a result of moderation of the posting of announcements, requests for lots, complaints regarding announcements or user behavior, or in other cases to ensure prompt feedback regarding Project-related issues.
- To send automated notifications to the user’s email address, informing him or her, for example, about the results of moderation within posting of announcements, requests for lots, requests to create personal cabinets, etc.
- To periodically send notifications, and digests, containing information about announcements posted on the Second Chance Bank platform, events, and activities that platform users can attend.
- To register for events organized and conducted by the EBA within the scope of its statutory activities and Project implementation.
- To remind about activities, and events covered by the Project and for which the platform users have registered or wish to register, or to inform about organizational changes, postponement or cancellation of respective activities and events, etc.
- To respond to requests, questions, and other needs of platform users related to Project implementation.
Important note: the personal data of the contact persons indicated in the wanted item announcements (full name, phone number, email) will be posted on the Second Chance Bank platform. Users authorized on the EBA website will have access to this information. The EBA is not liable for the further use of such personal data by third parties.However, we urge all users who have access to such information to treat it with respect and comply with the legislation on personal data protection.
Our contacts
If you have read from the beginning to the end of this section, we owe you a personal hug 😀 So, if you have a question or want to complain about the actions of the platform users, or if you need live communication about this Project, send a message to this email address: [email protected] or fill out the feedback form.
Spelling error report
The following text will be sent to our editors: