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Dnipro PR & Marketing HUB

10/ 12/ 2019
  Coaching is about motivation, development, potential, tips, skills, knowledge. Its important elements are:  Rapport-tweaking (adjusting to the pace of the interlocutor, temperament) Ecology Belief in the interlocutor Open questions  PR & Marketing HUB Speaker was Anna Verlos, Certified Trainer, Professional Coach, Social, Educational & Business Project Manager. The main topics of the evening:  Coachs postulate:  Everything is OK with everyone  A person has all the resources  There is a positive intention for each behavior  People are constantly changing  The person makes the best choice of the opportunities available to him  The participants accomplished the task to better understand one’s life and where to focus: to draw a circle, to divide into 4 parts, to write: ME, Body, People, Activity. Rate each sphere from 1 to 10. It is with this simple method that you can see where the gaps are now and think about how to fix it.  Three Communication Coaching Techniques:  BUT– weuse in such cases: I was not able to visit the event because I was ill → BUT I had a good rest.  DON’T – minimizethe use of the no\not objection – the universe does not accept this part by saying Dont be sick!, The universe does not hear no and accepts the opposite information.  ERASING– In the case of negative thoughts: mentally erase them.  The speaker also promised to share the technique of getting out of the deadlock. When there are many problems and we cannot start solving them, we choose a priority. We solve one, and then every other case in turn. In general, there can be 5 to 9 goals at a time. On average, women have 3 – 5, men - 5 (7) – 9 goals at the same time.  We thank the speaker for inspiration and helpful insights. And thank to the event partner – Computer Academy The STEP and Oleksiy Kozhemyako personally. 

Coaching is about motivation, development, potential, tips, skills, knowledge. Its important elements are: 

  • Rapport-tweaking (adjusting to the pace of the interlocutor, temperament)
  • Ecology
  • Belief in the interlocutor
  • Open questions 

PR & Marketing HUB Speaker was Anna Verlos, Certified Trainer, Professional Coach, Social, Educational & Business Project Manager. The main topics of the evening: 

Coach’s postulate: 

  • Everything is OK with everyone 
  • A person has all the resources 
  • There is a positive intention for each behavior 
  • People are constantly changing 
  • The person makes the best choice of the opportunities available to him 

The participants accomplished the task to better understand one’s life and where to focus: to draw a circle, to divide into 4 parts, to write: “ME“, “Body”, “People”, Activity”. Rate each sphere from 1 to 10. It is with this simple method that you can see where the gaps are now and think about how to fix it. 

Three Communication Coaching Techniques: 

  1. BUT– weuse in such cases: “I was not able to visit the event because I was ill → BUT I had a good rest. 
  2. DON’T – minimizethe use of the “no\not” objection – the universe does not accept this part by saying “Don’t be sick!“, The universe does not hear “no” and accepts the opposite information. 
  3. ERASING– In the case of negative thoughts: mentally “erase” them. 

The speaker also promised to share the technique of getting out of the deadlock. When there are many problems and we cannot start solving them, we choose a priority. We solve one, and then every other case in turn. In general, there can be 5 to 9 goals at a time. On average, women have 3  5, men – 5 (7)  9 goals at the same time. 

We thank the speaker for inspiration and helpful insights. And thank to the event partner Computer Academy The STEP and Oleksiy Kozhemyako personally. 

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