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Development Programme on Coaching Skills for Management

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  Development Programme on Coaching Skills for Management. Date: 06 September2018. Time: 10:00 18:00. Place: EBA Kyiv Office, 1A Andriyivskiy Uzviz. Search and preparation of top managers who are able to manage the challenges and opportunities of the modern world is one of the most important tasks of both global companies and new start-ups. There are a number of qualities  demanded from the manager, such as critical thinking, ability to predict consequences, ability to act and make effective decisions in conditions of uncertainty, etc. However, the most important skills that determine a genuine leader and top manager are the coaching skills. It is the coachs ability to see from the inside and understand the system of all the company processes  and optimize them; to clarify the values ​​that lead employees to freedom of initiative, action and responsibility; receive and take effective feedback; to reach a new level of communication, processes and, as a consequence, a new level of results. The Development Programme on Coaching Skills for Management is created specifically for managers and provides all the necessary opportunities to make an attractive professional space for yourself, your employees and customers. The programme is built in such a way that all the participants can use the best coaching techniques to achieve their management results. During the four modules of the programme, you will be able to master eleven coaching competencies on practical tasks and case studies. In addition, after successful completion of the programme, you will receive a certificate of completion. TARGET AUDIENCE: business owners, managers, professionals who would like to develop their own leadership skills. SYLLABUS MODULE 1. LEADER, 6th September, Ruslana Orlovska, Olga Shevchuk, Alla Zadniprovska Formation of group expectations. Clarification of queries. Coaching competency and leadership: global and local trends. Overview of the Pyramid of Logical Levels (Separation by Levels to Be - To Do – To Have). Level To Be: - Professional ethics and standards; - Partnership (Eric Bernes PAB model); - Coach is a competent leader. Level To Do: - Creating trust (security and support) Milton Ericksons Coaching Principles; - Creation of agreements; - Active listening (I listen and hear); - Strong questions (I ask strong questions). Types of questions. Magic of open questions. Questions with the challenge. MODULE 2. LEADER, 7th September, Ruslana Orlovska, Olga Shevchuk, Alla Zadniprovska Direct communication (I speak openly and directly). Feedback secrets. Effective communication. Level To Have:   - Secrets how to call insights from the interlocutor, to integrate information and evaluate different sources of information; - Choice of priorities; - Communication Thought-Feeling-Action; - Pracrical task: A conversation in coaching style; - Designing of actions; - Planning and setting goals. Creating effective plans and their compliance; - Managing progress and responsibility. Priorities and focus on the important. LevelImplementation: - Practical assignment: PLL - I am a coach - competent leader working out a task for home work for 2 weeks (work in pairs). Debriefing. MODULE 3. TEAM, 27th September, Olga Peretyatko, Svitlana Bochkivska, Liliya Luts, Igor Tsybulskyi Collecting feedback on home work. What is the difference between a team and a group? Types of teams (project team, just a team). Analysis of your team by participants. SWOT analysis or check sheet. Life cycle of teams (Formation - Crisis - Normalization - Stable work - Dissolution). Team formation through visions and values (Pyramid of Logical Levels, SMARTER) Trust and team safety. Creating a secure environment. Talk of two leaders. (Exercise: Couching Glasses). MODULE 4. TEAM, 28th September, Olga Peretyatko, Svitlana Bochkivska, Liliya Luts,  Igor Tsybulskyi Crisis. How to get through the crisis in a team and open a second breath? (Case - bad leadership, what tools we get out of the crisis.) Walk on time, feed back. Normalization. Promoting a healthy conflict. How to achieve more results? Score 360. Triple Karpman (out of conflict, effective conflict). Stable work. Motivation and involvement of the team. The purpose behind the goal. Fun rules of supportive environment. Disband the team. Celebrating results. Building the future in our hands. How to make your future happy? Summing up. Appraisal and progress of the participants. Speakers. Ruslana Orlovska. PCC ICC International coach; coaching consultant in educational and business projects on coaching approach implementation; coach at MiniBoss Business School; author of educational coaching programs; Chairman of the Certification Committee and member of the Directors Board of ICF Ukraine. Olga Shevchuk. Business coach, Author of soft skills development programs for managers, Leadership & conflict coach, Business mediator certified by IHK Academy of Munich (Germany), Partner of Commercial Mediation Group, Member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), Member of the National Association of Mediators of Ukraine, Cognitive-behavioral consultant, lawyer. Alla Zadneprovska. Founder & CEO of the International Consulting Group Live Business Author and presenter of the International Integrated Coaching School (accredited according to the ACSTH ICF standard) Coach of the first persons and TOP teams. Olga Peretyatko. Certified Personal and Team Efficiency Coach (Erickson Coaching International), as well as a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), Lean 6 Sigma Consultant, Lean Coach, an operational business excellence expert. Svitlana Bochkivska. International certified coach PCC ICF, career coach, emotional intelligence coach, psychologist. Member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF). More than 100 adolescents who have completed a course of professional self-determination. More than 10 years of experience in business, of which more than 8 years in management positions. Liliya Luts. Professional Certified Coach of International Coaching Federation (PCC ICF), Certified International Leadership Development Framework Coach (LDF), author and trainer of programs for managers in the development of essential skills, NLP Master, has more than 17 years of corporate business experience (7 years in personnel management), worked in such companies as Coca-Cola, SC Johnson, Samsung Electronics, Shell, GlobalLogic. Igor Tsybulskyi. An entrepreneur with 12 years of experience, Executive & team coach, Member of International Coaching Federation (ICF). You can send a question to:. Contact person:. Anastasiia Mutas. E-mail [email protected]. Contact Phone. 044 496 06 01.

About the Programme

Search and preparation of top managers who are able to manage the challenges and opportunities of the modern world is one of the most important tasks of both global companies and new start-ups. There are a number of qualities  demanded from the manager, such as critical thinking, ability to predict consequences, ability to act and make effective decisions in conditions of uncertainty, etc. However, the most important skills that determine a genuine leader and top manager are the coaching skills. It is the coach’s ability to see from the inside and understand the system of all the company processes  and optimize them; to clarify the values ​​that lead employees to freedom of initiative, action and responsibility; receive and take effective feedback; to reach a new level of communication, processes and, as a consequence, a new level of results.

The Development Programme on Coaching Skills for Management is created specifically for managers and provides all the necessary opportunities to make an attractive professional space for yourself, your employees and customers. The programme is built in such a way that all the participants can use the best coaching techniques to achieve their management results.

During the four modules of the programme, you will be able to master eleven coaching competencies on practical tasks and case studies. In addition, after successful completion of the programme, you will receive a certificate of completion.

TARGET AUDIENCE: business owners, managers, professionals who would like to develop their own leadership skills.


MODULE 1. “LEADER”, 6th September, Ruslana Orlovska, Olga Shevchuk, Alla Zadniprovska

  • Formation of group expectations. Clarification of queries.
  • Coaching competency and leadership: global and local trends.
  • Overview of the Pyramid of Logical Levels (Separation by Levels to Be – To Do – To Have).
  • Level “To Be”:

– Professional ethics and standards;

– Partnership (Eric Berne’s PAB model);

– Coach is a competent leader.

  • Level “To Do”:

– Creating trust (security and support) Milton Erickson’s Coaching Principles;

– Creation of agreements;

– Active listening (I listen and hear);

– Strong questions (I ask strong questions). Types of questions. Magic of open questions. Questions with the challenge.

MODULE 2. “LEADER”, 7th September, Ruslana Orlovska, Olga Shevchuk, Alla Zadniprovska

  • Direct communication (I speak openly and directly). Feedback secrets. Effective communication.
  • Level “To Have”:

  – Secrets how to call insights from the interlocutor, to integrate information and evaluate different sources of information;

– Choice of priorities;

– Communication Thought-Feeling-Action;

– Pracrical task: A conversation in coaching style;

– Designing of actions;

– Planning and setting goals. Creating effective plans and their compliance;

– Managing progress and responsibility. Priorities and focus on the important.

  • Level”Implementation”:

– Practical assignment: “PLL – I am a coach – competent leader” working out a task for home work for 2 weeks (work in pairs). Debriefing.

MODULE 3. “TEAM”, 27th September, Olga Peretyatko, Svitlana Bochkivska, Liliya Luts, Igor Tsybulskyi

  • Collecting feedback on home work.
  • What is the difference between a team and a group? Types of teams (project team, just a team). Analysis of your team by participants. SWOT analysis or check sheet.
  • Life cycle of teams (Formation – Crisis – Normalization – Stable work – Dissolution).
  • Team formation through visions and values (Pyramid of Logical Levels, SMARTER)
  • Trust and team safety. Creating a secure environment.
  • Talk of two leaders. (Exercise: Couching Glasses).

MODULE 4. “TEAM”, 28th September, Olga Peretyatko, Svitlana Bochkivska, Liliya Luts,  Igor Tsybulskyi

  • Crisis. How to get through the crisis in a team and open a second breath? (Case – “bad leadership”, what tools we get out of the crisis.) Walk on time, feed back.
  • Normalization. Promoting a healthy conflict. How to achieve more results? Score 360. Triple Karpman (out of conflict, effective conflict).
  • Stable work. Motivation and involvement of the team. The purpose behind the goal. Fun rules of supportive environment.
  • Disband the team. Celebrating results.
  • Building the future in our hands. How to make your future happy?
  • Summing up. Appraisal and progress of the participants.


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Ruslana Orlovska
PCC ICC International coach; coaching consultant in educational and business projects on coaching approach implementation; coach at MiniBoss Business School; author of educational coaching programs; Chairman of the Certification Committee and member of the Directors Board of ICF Ukraine
Olga Shevchuk
Business coach, Author of soft skills development programs for managers, Leadership & conflict coach, Business mediator certified by IHK Academy of Munich (Germany), Partner of "Commercial Mediation Group", Member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), Member of the National Association of Mediators of Ukraine, Cognitive-behavioral consultant, lawyer
Alla Zadneprovska
Founder & CEO of the International Consulting Group "Live Business" Author and presenter of the International Integrated Coaching School (accredited according to the ACSTH ICF standard) Coach of the first persons and TOP teams
Olga Peretyatko
Certified Personal and Team Efficiency Coach (Erickson Coaching International), as well as a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), Lean 6 Sigma Consultant, Lean Coach, an operational business excellence expert
Svitlana Bochkivska
International certified coach PCC ICF, career coach, emotional intelligence coach, psychologist. Member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF). More than 100 adolescents who have completed a course of professional self-determination. More than 10 years of experience in business, of which more than 8 years in management positions
Liliya Luts
Professional Certified Coach of International Coaching Federation (PCC ICF), Certified International Leadership Development Framework Coach (LDF), author and trainer of programs for managers in the development of essential skills, NLP Master, has more than 17 years of corporate business experience (7 years in personnel management), worked in such companies as Coca-Cola, SC Johnson, Samsung Electronics, Shell, GlobalLogic
Igor Tsybulskyi
An entrepreneur with 12 years of experience, Executive & team coach, Member of International Coaching Federation (ICF)
Ruslana Orlovska
Olga Shevchuk
Alla Zadneprovska
Olga Peretyatko
Svitlana Bochkivska
Liliya Luts
Igor Tsybulskyi


You can send a question to:

Contact person:

Anastasiia Mutas

044 496 06 01
First name
Your expectations from the Development Programme
Your mobile phone
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